Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1966, Blaðsíða 227
Q. Rewards and Punishments
Q413.4. Hanging as punishment for murder. Cf. Q211.
Q413.5. Hanging as punishment for impudence. SorlaSt 439 ch. 17; HjOlv 490 ch. 14;
IllGr 659 ch. 6; I>i6r I 161, 167, 205, II 95.
Q413.5.1. Impudent suitor or his messenger hanged or threatened with hanging. SturlSt
639 ch. 23; KOr II 166-67, 168; SigrgV 131 ch. 6; FloresS XXVII 7; Amb 68
ch. 12; Vlgk 19 ch. 5.
Q413.7. Hanging as punishment for silence about hidden treasure. MagnusBl ch. 8 in
Hkr III 328.
Q413.8. Hanging as punishment for treachery. Skj I 404: Magnusdråpa; Odd6låfTr
ch. 21 (15); OlåfH ch. 93 and 119 in Hkr II; MagnusErl ch. 18, 20 ib. III; ClåfTr
ch. 173 in FMS II 72 (Flb I 337); GHrolf 297, 314 ch. 22, 27; ÅnB 352 ch. 6;
HjOlv 496 ch. 14; I>i6r I 291, II 99.
Q414. Punishment: burning alive. Cf. K812; SI 12. HrolfKr 83 ch. 28 (FAS I ch. 41);
SturlSt 638 ch. 22; l)lf 140 (threat); Ivcn XII 19; Flov 159 ch. 23.
Q414.0.5. Burning as punishment for traitor. Herv in FAS I 460 (as suggestion);
I>jJon 27 (18), 60 (42) ch. 11, 26.
Q414.0.10. Burning for witchcraft. Cf. G275.3. Atlam 87 = Vols ch. 40 (38) (only
suggestion); OddOlåfTr ch. 58 (46) = OlåfTr ch. 4 in FMS I 10, ch. 62 in Hkr I
374-75; HaraldHårf ch. 34 ib. 150: »seidmenn«, cf. ZDA XLVIII 177; IllGr
657-58 ch. 5.
Q414.0.12. Burning as punishment for murder. Vegt 11; Herv in FAS I 461 (threat).
Q414.1. Punishment: boiling in lead. Bevers 243 ch. 21.
Q414.5. Punishment: king hung between two fires. Grm 1-2, cf. A. H. Krappe in
APhS VIII 136-45; HålfH VIII 5-7 (FAS II 34) and introd. 18; I>jJ6n 27 (18),
60 (42) ch. 11, 26.
Q415. Punishment: being eaten by animals.
Q415.1. Punishment: being eaten by dogs. Cf. OlåfTr ch. 206, 208 in FMS II 170,
173, Odd’s version ch. 57 (45).
Q415.2. Mice devour hard-hearted man. Cf. Knyti ch. 61.
Q415.3. Punishment: man eaten by worms. Cf. Q465.
Q415.4. Punishment: being fed to lions (wild beasts). Saxo lib. VII c. II 5.
Q416. Punishment: drawing asunder by horses. Cf. S 139.2. Mågus 42 ch. 22 (ch. 56).
Q416.0.2. Dismembering alive as punishment for murder. SigrgV ch. 22. Cf. HringH
15-16 ch. 6: enemy dismembered alive.
Q416.0.3. Quartering by horses (buils) as punishment for impostor. ÅsmVik 44 ch. 23;
Saxo lib. VIII c. X 6 and 8.
Q416.1. Punishment: trampling (kicking) to death by horses. Hamd 3; Skåldsk ch. 51
(42); Gudrunarhvot 16; Vols ch. 42 (40) = Saxo lib. VIII c. X 11 = Herrm
575 n.; t>i6r II164; Saussaye 135.
Q417. Punishment: dropping and dashing to pieces.
Q417.2. Traitor thrown into pit so that he sticks to the waist, and is then chased out of
the country. Konr 81-82 ch. 10.
Q418. Punishment by poisoning. Cf. SI 11.
Q418.2. Venomous snake put into the mouth as punishment for murder of newborn
children. Hkr I 400-01; SigrgV 186 ch. 22.