Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1966, Síða 250

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1966, Síða 250
246 Motif-Index of Early Icelandic Literature T133.1. Faithful servant accompanies bride to new home. OOdd 179 (FAS II 554); borstVik 387-88 ch. 2. T133.4. Bridegroom and his men come for the bride. HrolfKr 29-30 ch. 11 (FAS I ch. 14); Vols ch. 3-4 (ib. 120 ff.); RagnarL ch. 4 (3) (ib. 242); BårdSn 22 ch. 10; bidr II 278-79, 368; Amb 14 ch. 3; RémK 366-70 ch. 72. TI 35. Wedding ceremony. TI 35.6. Marriage by drinking festival, »drekka brtidlaup«. Cf. V65.3. RagnarL ch. 6 (5) (FAS I 250); Vols ch. 28 (26), 29 (27), 34 (32) (ib. 188, 210); HrolfKr 18 ch. 6 (ib. ch. 7); Herv in FAS 1455; Gautr 34 ch. 8 (FAS III38); Bosa 44-47,76,125-28, 131, 137 ch. 13, 3, 16, 18 (ib. 221-23 ch. 13); HålfdE VI 8, XXIV 4 (ib. 528, 554); HrélfG 5, 6, 75 ch. 2, 45 (ib. 61, 187); OOdd 82-83, 186-87 (ib. II 203 (532), 293 (556); ch. XXIV 11, XLIV 11); EgÅsm XII 8, XVIII 5 (ib. III 391, 405); BårdSn 33 ch. 15; SigFot 1001-02; Ålafl XVI 11-21; JarlmH 24-26, 42-43 ch. 13, 14, 24; ÅsmVik 32 ch. 15; AsmS 13; Amb 62, 70 ch. 12; HédinH 9 ch. 4; Ulf 181; SaulusN 4849 ch. 20. Cf. Krause 215 ff. T135.7. The bride must have someone to give her away, usually her father or brother. Cf. TI 31.1. IllGr 659-60 ch. 6; Ålafl XVIII1; JarlmH 42 ch. 24; etc. T135.8. Two or more weddings at one time as the end of a tale. HålfdBr 590 ch. 17; HrolfG 74-75 ch. 44 (FAS III 185-86 ch. 35); HålfdE XXIV 2 (ib. 554); HjOlv 517 ch. 22; SorlaSt 452 ch. 26; Vigl 80, 91 ch. 18, 21; bidr II 105; JarlmH 42-43 ch. 24; ÅsmS 14; SigrgFr 107 ch. 16; Sigi) ch. 54; ViktorBl 48 ch. 15; Vald 77 ch. 3; HringH 58-60 ch. 23-24; borgr 31 ch. 5; Kongab 20-21; KåraK 83 ch. 41; SamsF ch. 14-15, 27; Part 44-45; Blomst 44-49 ch. 26-27; Saxo lib. V c. III 25. TI 35.9. Wedding ceremony in church. SaulusN 59 ch. 24; RémK 366-70 ch. 72. TI 36. Accompaniments of wedding. T136.1. Wedding feast. RagnarS 467 ch. 5 (FAS I 360); Sogubr 5 ch. 1 (ib. 366); HjOlv 458 ch. 3; KetilH 124 ch. 4; SigrgV ch. 12, 22; Vilm 193, 199 ch. 22, 24; Kirial 10, 85-88, 90-91; Dam 103 ch. 16. The feast lasts many days: Vols 14647 ch. 29 (27); Ave days: bidr II 36-38; seven days: RagnarL 121 ch. 4 (3) (FAS I 242); bidr II 105; ÅsmVik 43 ch. 22; Ålafl XVIII 1-4; twelve days: Sigf> 233 ch. 46; fourteen days or half a month: HålfdBr 586, 590 ch. 14, 17; HrolfG ch. 14 in FÅS III 105; ÅsmVik 32 ch. 15; Vald 77 ch. 3; HédinH 9 ch. 4; borgr 33 ch. 5; tJlf 271; SaulusN 89 ch. 34; bjjon 52-53 (36) ch. 20; RémK 346-60 ch. 69-70; Part 45; twenty days: Herv in FAS I 455; three weeks: Bosa 131 ch. 16; one month: HrolfG 25 ch. 15; Bosa 61 ch. 16 (FAS III 232); VilhSj 123-24 ch. 58; HringH 31 ch. 8; Vald 77 ch. 3; borgr 31, 32 ch. 5; two months: Kongab 48-50. TI36.3. Amusements at wedding. Sturl 118,22 ff.: »dansleikar, glimur ok sagnaskemt- un«; SorlaSt 452 ch. 26: »me6 allskonar listiligri skemtan«; Bosa45-46,127ch. 12, 16 (FAS III 221-24): playing, esp. on harp, music; EgÅsm XV 20, XVII 10 (ib. 400, 404): song, music; storytelling; BårdSn 33 ch. 15: »knutukast«, »glima«; bidr I 285-86, II 36: playing, singing, and »allzkonar skemtan«; JarlmH 39-40 ch. 21-22: music; VilhSj 123-24 ch. 58: tournament; Sigj) 230 ch. 44: tournament, music; K6ngab 48-50: do.; NikL 44 ch. 12; SaulusN 57 ch. 23: music, dancing; SamsF ch. 9: »allrahanda skemtan; tafl ok burtreider, skot ok skylmingar«; bjJon 65-66 (47) ch. 22: storytelling; RémK 349, 351 ff. ch. 69, 72: »allra handa listir ok leikar«, toumaments and »songfæri fyrir t>eim leikin«. T136.3.1. Dancing at wedding. Sturl, SaulusN 1. c.; cf. Liestøl in Arv 1945, 70 ff. T136.3.2. Marriage odes sung at wedding feast. Cf. T136.3.
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