Reykjavík Grapevine - feb. 2022, Blaðsíða 20

Reykjavík Grapevine - feb. 2022, Blaðsíða 20
Power Suits & Orbital Paths A !roup exhibition for our times Words: Andie Sophia Fontaine Photos: "órdís Erla & Art Bicnick The LÁ Art Museum (Listasafn Árnesinga) is giving us yet another reason to visit Hverager!i with their exciting new exhibition. This group showing features four artists—Lóa Hjálmt"sdót- tir, #órdís Erla Zoega, Magnús Helgason and Ingunn Fjóla Ing$órsdóttir—all with their own exhibitions in separate rooms. We spoke with two of the artists involved about what we can expect. That’s me in the corner "I'm in my room, with figurative crazy-colour things,” Lóa tells us of her showing, called 'Buxnadragt', or 'Powersuit' in English. “They're like a fine art version of my comic work.” Here she refers to her comic series Lóaboratoríum, a series of slice-of-life vignettes that are as charming as they are funny. Lóa, always the modest one, insists she is not the star of the show when compared to the other artists being featured. “I don't know how, but somehow it fits with the rest of the exhibi- tion,” she says of 'Buxnadragt'. “It's curated brilliantly, because I don't belong, but I still belong. Story of my life, the weird one in the corner, like I always feel. It's kind of a sad silliness, the whole thing. There's something so sad and beautiful about it, even if it has no words or humans, the movement and how it's related to humans. I don't understand how it works together, but it does. I think [museum direc- tor] Kristín Scheving must be some kind of a genius." A comic on an island Buxnadragt bears much of the observational style as her comics, with inspiration drawn from Lóa’s youth. "The mood's about the futility of dressing into power, when people try to get into a man's suit, like in the 80s, but you're still not in charge,” she tells us. “A pantsuit is hilarious but powerful at the same time. It's more observational than a statement, really, of 20 fast illus- trations of women in power suits. They have the mood of friends of my mother when I was a kid. They were all in charge of something; not on top, but trying." The not-so-boring routine #órdís’ exhibition, 'Hringrás' ('Daily Routine' in English), is a bit more abstract, but is most fully enjoyed with the participation of attendees. “I am making an installation with acrylic glass circles, curtains and motors,” she tells us. “The circle has a special colour-shifting film, dichroic film, which creates a beautiful experience in the space. The installation is inspired by the orbital path of the Earth around the Sun and while it is spinning the day is either beginning or ending depending on where you are situ- ated, creating the daily ‘boring’ routine of opening and closing curtains. It is an experience that is best to have in person, as with all of the exhibitions which are very playful.” #órdís expresses anticipation both for the exhibition itself, and how attendees will react. “I enjoy creating a new expe- rience for the viewer,” she says. “Every time I set up an exhibition it allows me to experiment with the materials I use in new ways and that is always exciting.” All of these exhibitions will be shown at LÁ Museum from February 5 until May 22. Arti8 Grandi Marshallhúsi! Grandagar!ur 20 101 Reykjavík Iceland +354 551 3666 i8 Grandi — 22.01.22–22.12.22 Alicja Kwade In Relation to the Sun, 29.01.–15.05.2022 Birgir Andrésson As Far as the Eye Can See Open daily 10h00–17h00 #reykjavikartmuseum Kjarvalsstaðir Flókagata 24 105 Reykjavík +354 411 6400 "A pantsuit is hilarious and powerful at the same time." Much to think about "órdís Zoega at work


Reykjavík Grapevine

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