Reykjavík Grapevine - feb. 2022, Blaðsíða 24

Reykjavík Grapevine - feb. 2022, Blaðsíða 24
Postuline-hearts And Space-Bitches E!ill Lo!i Jónasson is the odd artist, Dren!urinn Fen!urinn Words: Einar Logi Jónasson & Valur Grettisson Photo: Einar Logi Jónasson Info Egill Logi Jonasson has been raising some eyebrows under his artist name, Drengurinn Fengurinn (the boy, the catch) fusing high art and indie aspirations. His album, “Geimtíkur dau$ans” just came out and can be found on Spotify. He walked us through the offering track by track: This album was made while I was on Christmas break from work. I wanted to make an album that was easy to perform live without a computer. So I minimised the studio wizardry. I made heavy use of the guitar I had recently built which is in a Sonic Youth-esque tuning because I want to be like Thurston Moore (who I find immensely cool). The title of the album in English would be Space Bitches (as in female dogs) in Death, a reference to one of my favourite songs by the band S.H. Draumur. Blikk This is the first song I wrote and recorded for the album. It was on my first day of Christmas break and spirits were high. It’s about a blink- ing satellite. Apama#urinn It’s the beginning of the Monkey Man saga. The Monkey Man is half- man, half-monkey and kills people because he’s no good. I did some excellent bongo drum playing on this track. Hún á gó#an bíl It’s about a woman who has a nice car. I recently learned how to drive but I’m not very good at it and I prefer being a passenger. The car in question is very spacious which is nice for me because I’m rather tall (like Thurston Moore). Postulínsbadboy This track is about a bad boy who is protecting his heart from breaking because it’s made of porcelain and porcelain is prone to breakage. Hl!ja My father taught me not to leave the doors open for long because then the radiators would go haywire. This song’s title means “Warmth” and is about that. Skjalatöskublúshús I once went to a blues concert and all the lyrics were about packing a suitcase and leaving and then there were some guitar solos. Bar Avion The title is a homage to this song “Par Avion” by FM Belfast. I just recently discovered how amazing this band is. I never really could listen to them because I was a very angsty teenager and their happy and joyful approach to life made my angst unbearable. Vinna minna I think people work too much, espe- cially me. Less work equals less unhappiness. Apama#urinn II Is a continuation of the Monkey Man saga. I don’t want to go too deep into it because it would spoil the plot. "ú %urftir enga ástæ#u This is the grand finale of the album. It’s about the sweet release of death. Guess what? You can grab your copy of these album on The best of Icelandic produce with a nod to Japan and South America. Modern Icelandic flavours, share plates and award winning cocktails. Sushi Social !ingholtsstræti 5 • 101 Reykjavík Tel. 568 6600 • Our kitchen is open 17.00–23.00 sun.–thu. 17.00–24.00 fri.–sat. SOCIALIZE WITH THE LOCALS ICELANDIC SEAFOOD makes world’s best sushi 24The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 02— 2022 If cats had eyebrows, this one's would be raised Track By Track


Reykjavík Grapevine

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