Reykjavík Grapevine - feb. 2022, Blaðsíða 30

Reykjavík Grapevine - feb. 2022, Blaðsíða 30
You’ll probably never need to consider quite how heavy a snowmobile is until you roll one over on a glacier, and have to right it yourself. (About 240kg, since you ask.) My “incident” happened at a snail’s pace as I—a complete newbie to driv- ing one of these powerful beasts— tried to make a tight turn on a slight incline, and failed to lean upslope as I had been instructed by glacier guide Stefán. The beast toppled, slowly and elegantly, and I simply hopped off it unharmed. My biggest concern was that my Grapevine colleagues, who had stopped a few hundred metres behind, had spotted my faux pas. They had, of course, and Stefán had clearly seen this kind of customer clumsiness before, too. As he rode back to check in with me and continue leading our group across the Langjökull glacier, he put my ham-fisted handling to shame by deliberately leaning his own beast over on one ski: the snowmobile equivalent of pulling a wheelie. Show off. Into the white Our destination was the Amaz- ing Crystal Ice Cave, a huge chasm that appeared on the east side of the glacier last year. It was discovered last September by Stefán and a cave- hunting team put together by Amazing Tours and Sleipnir Tours, who scour Langjökull every autumn for these naturally-forming wonders. Jón Kris- tinn Jónsson, boss of Amazing Tours and a glacier professional with decades of experience, says that—with the main chamber at about 12m high and 10m wide—it’s the biggest ice cave he has ever seen. To check it out, Team Grapevine drove the two hours from Reykjavík to the Amazing Tours base at Skjól, just south of the glacier. There we transferred to Sleipnir’s impressive monster bus—a vehicle equipped with eight giant wheels to roll effortlessly over crevasses that would swallow anything smaller— for a comfortable 30km ride to the glacier camp. On arrival we donned fluores- cent overalls and motorbike helmets, received a briefing on how to handle our snowmobiles and were led off by Stefán, camel-train style. And that’s where the hard work began. Driving a snowmobile is great fun, but they don’t come with power steering and the 12km ride to the cave became something of an upper-body work- out. But the landscape took my mind off the exertion, and my breath away. The white-on-white of fresh snow on glacial ice created a surreal mono- chrome vista, punctuated only by the colourful overalls of my fellow travel- lers and the bright red of their vehi- cles. Inside the ice After 30 minutes we parked the snowmobiles, pulled on the cram- pons provided and started the short h i k e t h o u g h metre-deep snow. Although beauti- ful , the freshly fallen powder made the going tough, and I was glad to stop every once in a while to admire the cascading ice spikes of small frozen water flows. The cave entrance was marked by a whirring genera- tor to power the lights inside and, as I descended the roughly-hewn ice steps, the majesty of the space below became apparent. Nature has sculpted a stunning cathedral of ice within the glacier. The frozen water extends above, below and all around, reflecting and refracting the floodlights and revealing a multi- tude of hues of blue. It’s surprisingly warm inside the cave. The temperature hovers steadily near freezing regard- less of the outside temperature, and after the journey’s exertions in windy sub-zero temperatures I needed to shed some layers once inside. Private tours are carefully sched- uled between the larger groups, allow- ing for a more relaxed time within the cave. We spent more than an hour there, as did one adventurous Ameri- can couple who used the opportunity to get married—wedding dress, tuxedo and all—in the most stunning ecclesias- tical space you can imagine that isn’t actually a church. Going deep T h e c a v e h a s a balcony from which you can view its full extent, but the best experience is to be had by climbing to the lower level. There are ropes installed in the ice wall , and expert guides who position themselves under you and tell you where to put your feet as you go up or down. However, this activity is not for the faint-hearted, nor anyone with mobility issues. It’s also not something that you can assume will be included in a tour; the guides on site will assess the suitability of lower- level access for each individual. After a tricky climb down the ice wall I carefully traversed the sloping lower floor, where glacial water flowed to make the slippery surface just that little bit more hazardous. Then another strenuous, sweaty ice wall climb back up took me to a platform where nature had thoughtfully sculpted some seats of solid ice, offering rest to those who have made the effort. Eventually, as we slowly crossed the lower floor again to leave the cave, I stopped and gazed up into the glint- ing ceiling of translucent whites and blues. I was in awe of this incredible natural phenomenon, and relieved that I had managed the trip without once slipping and falling on my arse. Even if I had rolled a snowmobile. Tour duration from Reykjavík: 12 hours Car provided by: Tour provided by: Cathedral Of Ice Lan! jökull’s newest natural !lacial cave Words & Photos: John Pearson Support the Grapevine! View this QR code in your phone camera to visit our tour booking site In the shadows of giants Joyfully trudging onwards Travel “The frozen water extends above, below and all around, reflecting and refracting the floodlights and revealing a multi- tude of hues of blue.”


Reykjavík Grapevine

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