Reykjavík Grapevine - feb. 2022, Blaðsíða 31

Reykjavík Grapevine - feb. 2022, Blaðsíða 31
HORROR!SCOPES Valentine’s Day Words: Andie Sophi" Font"ine & Josie G"itens Welcome, lovers! It’s February, aka lurrrrve month, and your favourite Grapevine mystics have dutifully donned our cupid costumes in order to romantically shoot you with arrows of adoration! Also, real arrows! Sorry, that probably hurt a lot! Anyway, while you wait for the ambulance to arrive, take the time to read on and discover which horoscope hottie you should try your luck with once you’re bandaged up. Aries If you honestly believe that you should pursue a romantic rela- tionship with a co-worker, ask yourself this: are you ready to see this person every single working day, eight hours a day, when you’re at your most stressed and miserable? No? Then maybe don’t pursue it. Or quit your job and then ask them out. Taurus Your approach to love-making has been described as being like ‘a bull in a china shop,’ but luckily your partner is also a cow and adores breaking shit, so have at it, Taurus. Gemini A word to the wise: no matter how lonely you are, it’s always going to be better than installing Grindr. This app will not only exacerbate your loneliness, it will make you run to the nearest monastery and take a lifelong vow of celibacy, silence and vegetarianism. Cancer Bars have finally reopened and you’re making the most of it. Okay, so perhaps you’re a little too merry. After roaring at the DJ for not play- ing Careless Whisper on repeat, you escape to the bathroom for a tactical chunder. From the stall next door, you hear the dulcet tones of someone also spewing their ringer with healthy vigour. Your heart skips a beat as you carefully vomit your phone number onto some toilet paper to slide under the partition. Your phone lights up immediately. Love at first puke. Avoid: the colour yellow, AT ALL COSTS. Leo Is it really a polycule if you don’t use a spreadsheet to manage your free time? Virgo The most depressing thing about watching Verbú!in is confront- ing the fact that even people in the Westfjords are having more sex than you. Swipe right on: Libra, Leo and Lonely Single Mothers. Libra Are they flirting with you? Or are you just so not used to any kind of positive feedback that even the most innocuous compliment seems like a romantic come-on? Love yourself, Libra. You’re an absolute catch. The people that matter will see that. Scorpio We looked up the word ‘love’ in your dictionary and it wasn’t there because you’d torn the page out and eaten it and were subse- quently laughing maniacally. What the fuck, Scorpio. Sagittarius Sapphic love is 90% arguing about who’s going to buy the other one dinner. The other 10% is eating snacks and watching Adventure Time together in bed. Capricorn Damn, Capricorn, have you been working out? Working out how to process your complex childhood trauma and operate in society as a fully functional adult, that is. Because if you haven’t, you really should. Ideal date: Taurus, but only on Wednesdays. Aquarius This is your year to replace that dating app profile photo of you holding a fish, biting the medal you got for finishing a marathon, or holding up the Leaning Tower of Pisa with … literally anything else. Holy crap, no wonder you’re single. Pisces There’s plenty more fish in the sea, and unfortunately you’re one of them. Get back in the water, loser. WELL, YOU ASKED Cursing and the Goddamn Danes Words: Valur Grettisson Why do you swear on your YouTube channel? Can you please stop it? My kids are watching! Best, Arthur Fuck you very much for the question Arthur. I appreciate the opportunity to explain myself. I’m guessing you’re American because no other country in the western world really gives a shit about swearing. So, stop that imperial- ist bullshit of forcing your ethics upon other cultures. Icelanders curse pretty casually all the time, and it’s not considered. For exam- ple, we don’t ban cursing on TV or put these odd parental advisory stickers on our hip-hop albums. As children, we learn that swear words are just that: words. So they’re not really that excited, just another tool for expressing them- selves. We also just teach our kids what’s appropriate when it comes to cursing. You know, parenting. It might be differ- ent in the US, but I doubt it. There is one country in Europe that shares the US view when it comes to swearing, and it’s Russia. They have banned all swear- ing in arts, films and TV. And they are totalitarians. So, good luck on that path. *** Why do you hate the goddamn Danes? Best, Kate We don’t hate Danes. In fact, we have a very strong relationship with Denmark and the other Nordic countries. But we are not so fond of Iceland’s time as a colony under Danish rule. But truth is that the monarchy could have been worse. So no hard feelings. EXPLORE UNSEEN ICELAND ON THE ULTIMATE FLYING RIDE 31The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 02— 2022 COUNTRY SHOT by John Pearson Midwinter sun on Seltjarnarnes


Reykjavík Grapevine

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