Greinar (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.01.1976, Page 42
erally positive, which are associated with many of the magnetic
Similarly correlated geophysical anomalies have been shown,
mostly by Fleischer and his co-workers, to be common on the
Iceland-Faeroe-Britain ridges. It is hence suggested that the Snae-
fellsnes volcanic zone and its offshore extension are more analog-
ous to these than is the region between the Northwest peninsula
and the East Greenland Tertiary volcanic province.
The author is very grateful to Professor M. Magnússon, Director
of the Science Institute, and members of the Icelandic Insular Shelf
Committee, for their initiative and encouragement in the marine
magnetic survey. Thanks are also due to the survey vessel crews
and staff of the U.S. Defence Mapping Agency Topographic Center
and the Icelandic Hydrographic Office for assisting in the acquisi-
tion and recording of the magnetic data, and for providing position
and depth data. Dr. Th. Saemundsson provided Leirvogur Observa-
tory magnetograms and annual mean values. Prof. Th. Sigurgeirs-
son of the University of Iceland, Dr. G. R. Lorentzen of the U.S.
Naval Oceanographic Office, Dr. G. Palmason of the National
Energy Authority of Iceland, Mr. D. Voppel of the German Hydro-
graphic Institute and Dr. J. W. C. M. van der Sijp of Shell Oil Co.
made unpublished geophysical data available for comparison. Com-
puting was done at the IBM 1620 computer of the University of
Iceland. Mrs. Th. Sigurgeirsdottir carried out most of the punch-
ing of data; Miss 0. Sveinsdottir and others drafted magnetic maps
and diagrams, and Mr. Æ. Johannesson did the photographic work.