Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.07.1931, Síða 22

Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.07.1931, Síða 22
22 Fig. 11. The glacier of Kvíahnúkur from S. 19jt 1930. The following days were spent at the southern and north- western margins of the glacier. At the south-western corner, north of the crater Kvíahnúkur a fixing mark was established on a small rocky head that projects from the glacier edge. Between this place and the moraine ridge, beneath Þríhyrning- ar, two minor ice tongues are creeping down the mountain- slope. The height of the glacier margin above sea level is here about 930 m. and the movement almost negligible. But as the ice sheet seems to be very thin, an eventual variation in the thickness of the glacier would at the same time be followed by a corresponding oscillation of the margin. The fixing marks. Bi A little cairn 4 m. from the glacier margin. Bii A cairn on a Iarge stone 12 m. from Bi. Biii A cairn (ca 100 cm.) near the southern end of the head. Distance Bii — Bm = 84 m. Direction from Bm across Bii to Bt about N20°W. Ón the western side of the rocky head two short glaciers are also found, separated by a small ridge. The western- most is rather broad and has produced a 200—300 m. broad moraine wall in front of it. At present the end of the glacier has however drawn back about 50 m. from the inner boundaries of the moraine. From this glacier a rivulet flows


Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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