Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.07.1931, Blaðsíða 26

Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.07.1931, Blaðsíða 26
26 Fig. 14. One of the middle-tongues with the fixing marks Di and Dn. 20h 1930. the glacier margin hanging a little down the concave south- ern slope. To the E of the cirque a regularly formed moraine wall begins, and runs along the margin of the glacier eastwards to Geldingafell as may be seen in fig. 15. The Geldingafell (824 m.) is a tuff mountain, at the NE- corner of the glacier, that bounds the northern side of the ]ökulháls glacier. Time, however, did not admit of further reconnoitering of this part. From Geldingafell Eggert Olafsson and Bjarni Pálsson1) made the first ascent ever made to the top of Snæfellsjökull on ]uly lst 1754. They say that Geldingafell during some summers is almost quite covered with snow and ice. Last summer it was only dotted with some scattered snowfields. The most urgent future work to be done for the research of Snæfellsjökull is to get climatological information from the immediate neighbourhood, and to establish some totalisators on the glacier for measuring the precipitation. Temperature observations on the top of the glacier, during summer, would also give valuable information about the decrease of tempera- 1) Rejse gennem Island, Sorö 1772. I. Page 276—288.


Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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