Evening Post - 29.01.1941, Síða 3

Evening Post - 29.01.1941, Síða 3
EVENING POST 3 GERMAN DENIES SAFETY TO CHILDREN. Aboard a bus at a British West Coast town go some of the children saved from a British liner torpe- doed in the Atlantic. In all 83 children, bound for the safety of Canada, and 211 others perished as a result of this Ger- man Uboat outrage. war. During the week ended Jan. 19th 4 British and 6 Allied ships were lost, in all 58.000 tons. As last week no neutral ships wére sunk. NEWS IN BRIEF. London, Jan. 28th. American reports state that “The Em- press of Australia” has been torpedoed and gunned off Dakar. The Admiralty has denied this, and states that the vessel is safe in port and has not been attacked. DISCUSSION IN THE HOUSE ON SUPPRESSION OF “THE DAILY WORKER.” London, Jan. 28th. The House of Commons to-day dis- cussed the suppression of the Communist newspaper “Daily Worker.” A Labour M. P. stated that in his opinion the Home Se- cretary had gone too far and that an acti- on should have been taken against the paper. The Communist M.P. Mr. Gallag- her, claimed that this was a test case whether there were really any liberty of the press in Great Britain. Mr. Morrison ,thought it best not to wait until the pap- er had succeeded in decreasing people’s morale, and said that the paper had sabo- taged the war effort. Songs of the time. Jazz, after all, has its uses, as a corre spondent’s anecdote points out. The vicar had employed a man to do some painting in the church, and found him plying his brush briskly to the whistled air of a syn- copated song. “A somewhat—er—secular melody,” said the vicar hestiatingly. “Could you not whistle something—er —slightly more appropriate?” Two hours later he returned to find the painter whistling the Old Hundredth, his brush moving slowly in unison. “Dear me,” he said thoughtfully, after watching a minute or two; “there was that other tune. Per- haps, after all, you might whistle that a- gain!” Verzlunarfyrirtæki, veitingahús og aðrir, sen. vilja koma auglýsingum í Daily Post, err vinsamlega beðnir um að snúa sér til af greiðslunnar í Austurstræti 12 III, sími 3715, eða Alþýðuprentsmiðjunnar, — sími 4905.


Evening Post

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