The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Side 18

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Side 18
202 THORODDSEN fjords have been filled up even within hisloric times, and several large parishes and districts have been destroyed. Öræfajökull has, in the same manner, caused considerable destruction; while the waterfloods of Skeiðarárjökull, which were especially frequent during the 19th century, have done less material damage, as only unin- habited sandy wastes were inundated. Minor glacier-bursts are also occasionally due to lakes and rivers, which have been dammed by glaciers, suddenly breaking through their barriers and inundating the district. These glacier-bursts have a great effect upon the plant- life, because no permanent vegetation can exist upon gravelly and sandy flats which are constantly inundated by waterfloods carrying large pieces of ice; therefore very large stretches of lowland in the neighbourhood of such volcanoes and glaciers are destitute of plant- growth, for what little vegetation appears in the period between the glacier-bursts is quickly destroyed. The general physiographical con- ditions pertaining to the glaciers of Iceland may be best seen by a study of the table opposite.1 Snow-Iine. In Iceland it is not easy to determine the snow- line, owing to the great variability of the climatic factors. Because of the great annual and periodical variability of temperature and of the circumstances connected with precipitation, the snow-line also varies. In Iceland three kinds of height-levels connected with the vertical distribution of the snow, and dependent on climatological and orographical conditions, may be supposed to exist. The snow- line proper, which signifies the lowest limit of the permanent, con- tinuous snow-covering of the mountains, is not subject to very great changes from year to year. Below this comes a zone of detached, more or less closely placed, patches of névé and wreaths of snow; these never melt entirely, but either are added to or else diminish according to the character of the year. Below this zone comes the most variable of the snow-coverings: scattered snow-drifts which to a greater extent than the others are dependent on orographical conditions. These snow-drifts may persist tlirough a series of damp and cold years, but dwindle alinost to nothing or disappear entirely in warm and dry years. The snow at Drangajökull upon the north-western peninsula may serve as an example. Here, on 1 Here it should be noticed that many of the figures for the area of the Jökulls are approximate and given as a rough estimate, because the maps of a great part of Iceland, and especially of the plateau are still very imperfect.
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The Botany of Iceland

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