The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Side 51

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Side 51
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 235 even as late as in the lðth century. Where the basalt mountains are not too steep nor the mountain-streams too torrential, the flat gravel-cones upon the valley sides, below the notches in the moun- tain, are often overgrown with plants. These gravel-cones often underlie the home-fields of tlie farmsteads. In the fjord districts of Iceland the vegetation upon the hasalt mounlains differs considerably in passing from the sea inwards. Owing to the effect of the sea-water, the violent storms and the rawness of the climate, the outermost points are comparatively poor in plants, while the vegetation increases inwards towards the valley, and in the bottom of the valleys, especially on the north-western peninsula, remains of coppice woods are often found; but woods could not thrive out along the fjords, still less at the extreme points. Where the basalt does not occur as steep cliffs and is not covered bjr loose layers of clay, glacial gravel and soil it is usually strewn with loose sharp-edged fragments, split and torn off by frost. The severance of these fragmenls usually follows the cleavage of the basalt, and they are sometimes slaty and in thin plates, a condition which is especially common in the uppermost part of the basalt formation. Upon the split and torn basalt in the uppermost part of the moun- tains, plants have difficulty in gaining foothold, especially wlien the climate is as raw and stormy as is the case in Iceland. There- fore, large areas of the higher-lying basalt districts are extremely poor in plant-life even in places, where according to the situation, the conditions might be expected to be somewhat more favourable. The landscape in the tuff and breccia districts has a different appearance. Basalt mountains usually have sharp, and breccia mountains soft outlines. Those areas of the cultivated districts and on the lower spurs of the highland which are built up of tuff and breccia have often a more or less undulating appearance; the moun- tains are broken down into numerous rounded ridges and pro- tuberances with intervening stretches of level ground and valleys of irregular shape; but here and there are seen tabular inountains or promontories with steep sides and a flat surface, where the basalt or dolerite has covered and protected the tuft' and the breccia. On the plateau, where through centuries storms liave been continually altering the sculpture of the surface, the soft tuff-mountains have sufifered in particular; here the tuff-ridges are connected into irregular chains wliich liave been eroded in every possible way, and often resemble fantastic ruins with numerous sharp peaks, protuberances The Botany of Iceland. I. 16
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The Botany of Iceland

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