The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Síða 86

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Síða 86
270 THORODDSEN Norlh Iceland. So long as the ice drifts backwards and forwards along the coast, the weather continues to be very changeable and stormy; but once the ice has been grounded on the land, the weather becomes more settled, although colder. The parts of the coast which are most subject to be blockaded by the drift-ice are the north and east sides of the north-western peninsula, especially Strandasysla, and Langanes and Melrakkasljetta. In these districts the effect of the presence of the drift-ice is shown both in the wider extension of the snow-wreaths and in the character of the vegetation. On the east coast of the north-western peninsula, south of Cape Nord (also called Cape Horn) there is no vestige of coppice-wood, whiie this occurs luxuriantly on the western and south-western side of the peninsula, and at the heads of the fjords. Cabbage and potato plots are also absent along this coast, north of 65° 40'N. lat.; while small plots of cabbages occur frequently in Aðalvík on the north- western coast of the peninsula at 660 251 N. lat. Even at the head of Hunaflói the influence of the drift-ice is evident: Chamœnerium latifolium which flowers every year on the plateau, 600—700 metres above sea-level, flowered onfy twice during eleven years (1878—88) at 'Midfjörður. In the districts which are most exposed to the effects of the Polar ice, the herbage is extremely poor owing to the con- stant coldness of the springs and the rawness of the summers; the frequent snow-falls even at midsummer, make hajr-making precarious, so that the sheep and cattle — and thereby the inhabitants — are liable to suffer want. During the nineteenth century the coast of Iceland has been free from ice on an average about one year in every four or five; but no rule can be formulated for the arrival of the Polar ice on the coast of Iceland; sometimes it remains absent for many years; sometimes it visits the coast several years in succession. The ice arrives at different times — as a rule from January to April; if it arrives early, it usually dril'ts away soon without doing any great damage, but if it arrives near the time of spring, it often remains till far into summer, and causes much inconvenience, hindering navigation and fishing, spoiling the hay-harvest, etc. But it almost invariably drifts away at the end of August, and for the last four months of the year the coast is almost always free from ice. As a rule, the Polar current first carries the drift-ice to the north-western peninsula of Iceland, off Cape Nord, and the main mass is carried out through Denmark Strait; but that part of the ice which besets
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The Botany of Iceland

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