The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Qupperneq 87

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Qupperneq 87
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 271 Hornstrandir (the coast down either side of Cape Nord), is carried by the coastal current (the Irminger Current) along Strandasysla into Hunaflói, from thence outwards along the east coast of this fjord, then further eastwai'ds along the entire north coast, past Langanes and on, down to the east and south coasts, where it either melts or else drifts away into the open sea. The ice which comes to South Iceland always comes froin the east, never from the north-west. In severe ice-years the drift-ice may blockade the whole of the soulh coast as far as to Cape Reykjanes; on the other hand, it very rarely happens that any drift-ice enters Faxaflói and more rarely still that any icebergs drift past the north-western fjords into Breiðifjörður; the ice is not known to have been grounded on the land, down past Patriksíjörður, for the last 200 years. The most severe ice-year known was the year 1695; in that year drift-ice surrounded the whole island with the exception of Snæfellsnes — a fact unparalled in the history of the country. In most of the places the ice occurred in such quantities in that year that open waler was not visible from the highest moun- tains. As usual the ice drifted from North Iceland to South Iceland and then southw'ards and reached Thorlakshöfn as early as April: from thence it drifted into Faxaílói as far as Hítárós, and from the north-west the ice drifted past Látrabjarg into Breiðifjörður. In the beginning of May it was possible to walk and ride everyw'here out- side all the Ijords of North Iceland. It sometimes happens that tlie drift-ice drifts to Langanes and then down to the east coast without touching the north coast.1 The Polar current bears great quantities of drift-wood to the northern coast of Iceland, most frequently to the neighbourhood ol' Cape Nord and Langanes. The greater part of this drift-wood starls probably from Siberia; that of most common occurrence is Larix sibirica, Picea obovata, Abies sibirica, Pinus cembra, Pinus silvestris, Populus tremula, Salix vitellina, and others.2 1 Th. Thoroddsen: Den grðnlándska drifisen vid Island (Ymer. Stockholm, 1884, pp. 145—160). C. Ryder: Isforhoidene i Nordhavet, 1877—1892 (Tidsskrift for Sovæsen, 1896). V. Garde: Isforholdene i de arktiske Have in Nautisk Mete- orologisk Aarbog of 1898 and subsequent years (in Danish and English). W. Meinardus: Periodische Schwankungen der Eisdrift bei Island (Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie, 1906). 2 J. G. Agardh: Om den Spetsbergska Drifvedens ursprung (Övers. af Kgl. Vet. Ak. Förh., 1869, No. 2, pp. 97—119). A. G. Nathorst: Tvá somrar i norra Is- hafvet. Stockholm, 1900, I, p. 345. Th. Thoroddsen: Ferðasaga af Vestfjörðum (Andvari, XIII, 1887, pp. 164—168) and Ferðabók, II, 1914, pp. 63—70. Compare Geografisk Tidsskrift, IX, p. 45. E. Olafsson: Rejse gennem Island (1772), I, pp. 508—513. O. Olavius: Oekonomisk Rejse gennem Island (1780), pp. 126—146.
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The Botany of Iceland

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