The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Qupperneq 91

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Qupperneq 91
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 275 699.2 mm.; at Beruijord during a period of 34 years, from 788.7 mm. to 704.9 mm.; and at Akureyri, during one of 33 years, from 789 mm. to 705.7 mm. The paths of the moving centres of depression lie especi- ally frequently south of Iceland so that one centre of depression after the other crosses the Atlantic from the west with a main direction of east or north-east; sometimes nearer, sometimes further from Iceland. This movement of low pressure centres causes the wind to veer to- wards the sun, especially from S. or SE. through E. and NE. Table III shows that at Stykkisholm, very freifuently the winds blow from S. and SW. (such form 11 °/o and 10 % respectively) which is due to the fact that Denmark Strait also provides a path for the moving centres of depression; thev come from the south and cause on Iceland a veering of the wind with the sun from SE. or S. through SW. It is probably these centres of depression which cause the rather frequent winds from the W. and SW. at Grímsey and Papey respectively. There may, however, occur longer periods in which the winds of Iceland are rather constant, the lowest atmospheric pressure over the North Atlantic remaining at the same place. The wind-conditions are gen- erally favourable for Iceland, the warm air from the Atlantic Ocean is carried in over the land, while it is rare for cold winds to be thus brought during winter. According to observations taken at Stykkisholm on the west coast, the warmest winds there are the SE., S. and SW. while the greatest cold is caused by the N., NE. and E. winds. The difference between the temperature induced by the warmest and by the coldest winds is on an average 9°—10° C. in the months of December to April, and 4°—6° C. in the other months. The temperature inay show great diíferences according to whether norllierly or southerlj' and easterly winds are the prevalent ones for any length of time; thus, the mean temperature at Stykkis- holm in March 1856 was + 4.3° when southerly winds prevailed, and in March, in the ice-year 1881, the mean temperature was — 13.3° when easterly winds were prevalent.1 Conditions pertaining to the atmospheric pressure over the Atlantic, whicli is specially 1 V. Willaume-Jantzen: Climat du littoral islandais, 1902. N. Hoffmeyer: Die Vertheilung des Luftdruckes iiber den nord-atlantischen Ocean wahrend des Winters und deren Einfluss auf das Klima von Europa (Zeitschrift fiir Meteorologie. Wien, 1878. Bd. XIII. Nr. 22). N. Hoffmeyer: Etude sur les tempðtes de l’Atlantique septentrional. Copenhague, 1880. G. Rung: Répartition de la pression atmos- phérique sur l’ocean atlantique septentrional. Copenhague, 1894. V. Garde: Vind- kort over den nordligste Del af Atlanterhavet (Nautisk-meteorologisk Aarbog for 1899. Kobenhavn, 1900. S. 25—46).
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The Botany of Iceland

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