The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Page 123

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Page 123
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 307 found, at intervals of a whole day’s journey, some small oases with a denser vegetation, in places where water is present, especially springs which issue from under the edge of the lava-streams. I propose to give here the names of some of these oases and their height above sea-level, and add some notes on their vegetation, which is generally very little known. As almost no notes are published on the vegetation of the plateau I shall avail myself of this oppor- tunity to give a list of the species I collected on some of these oases, as they have never been visited by botanists. Some of these plant-covered patches are only a few square metres in extent, and the largest of them are perhaps as much as a square km. in area1. These oases often originate around hot springs, the temperature of whieh need not be very higli — somewhat higher, however, than the mean temperature of the locality at which they rise. Thus NW. of Vatnajökull there are oases near Gæsavötn, 929 metres above sea-level, where the springs have a temperature of 5—7°C., and near Marteinsflæda (744 metres) with spring-temperature of 35V20 G. and near Hitalaug (672 metres) with a temperature of 33l/2° C. Gæsavötn is the most highly situated of all the oases that I visited in 1884; plant-growth occurs here in connection with pools and springs; along the margins the vegetation is formed by mosses and Salix herbacea with scatlered specimens of Pohjgonum viviparum, Saxifraga stellaris, Oxgria diggna, Armeria maritima, Cerastium and Poa, while Carices and Eriophorum form a fringe along the water’s edge. Here I collected the following plants: — Equisetum arvense var. alpestre, Calamagrostis stricta var. borealis, Aira alpina, Poa pra- teusis, P. pratensis var. alpigena, Poa atpina var. vivipara, Carex in- curva, Eriophorum Scheuchzeri, E. angustifolium, Salix phglicifotia, S. herbacea, Polggonum viviparum, Oxgria diggna f. pggmœa, Ar- meria sibirica, Saxifraga stetlaris f. pggmœa, S. decipiens var. grön- tandica, Rannnculus hgperboreus, Cerastium arcticum, C. triggnum2. From here I went to Hvannalindir near Kverkfjöll, the nearest oasis towards the east, but it took nevertheless two days (17, 18 Aug.) to reach it, travelling along the northern edge of Vatnajökull; along the whole of this stretch of land there were almost no plants, until at Jökulsá, 734 metres above sea-level, I found in the gravel a fairly large quantity of Chamœnerium latifolium and Oxgria diggna. 1 In my work “Island, Grundriss d. Geographie u. Geologie”, 1906. there is a map showing the desert-boundaries and the oases known. 2 Determined by Prof. Joh. Lange.
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The Botany of Iceland

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