The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Blaðsíða 134

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Blaðsíða 134
318 THORODDSEN The Vegetation of the Coast-line. The halophilous plant- assoeiations along the greatly extended coast-line of Iceland have, as in other places, a rather heterogeneous soil consisting of fine and coarse strand sand, large pebbles or houlders, blown sand and , rocks of basalt and tuff. Very generally round the coast there is seen upon low rocks1, at the foot, a belt of Verrucaria maura; then come grey, yellow and green patches of several kinds of li- chens; above this level only a few plants occur, mostly scattered individuals of Cochlearia officinalis, Plantago maritima, Armeria ma- ritima and Glyceria distans. On steep, lofty coast-cliífs Cochlearia officinalis and Rhodiola rosea oflen occur in great abundance, also Silene maritima, Armeria maritima, Cerastium alpinum and various species of Poa and Festuca; to these should be added Haloscias sco- ticum in south-western Iceland and especially on the islands in Breidifjördur. As is well-known, there are several large sea-l'owl cliífs along the coast of Iceland, but their vegetation has not yet been investigated; H. Jónsson has investigated only a few smaller sea-fowl cliffs in Dalasyssel and “sea-fowl-grass-slopes” (Fuglegræslier) in Skaftafellssyssel. According to H. Jónsson (1905, p. 37) the grass- covered mountain-slopes in South Iceland frequented by sea-fowl differ from the comnion grass-slopes, among other things in the abundant occurrence of Poa pratensis and Steltaria media; the oc- currence of Festuca elatior and Avena elatior on “sea-fowl-grass-slopes” is also characteristic of the latter. The vegetation of the lofty sea- fowl cliffs appears principally to consist of the same plants as are found on common coast-cliffs, for instance, Cochlearia, Rhodiola, Archangelica, as also Oxyria and Stellaria; all growing luxuriantly. Owing to the soil being manured there is an immigration of many other species, especially from the grass-slope and the grassland; these species grow as luxuriantly in rock crevices and on ledges as in the most well-manured home-fields. Collections of plants from these sea-fowl cliffs have never been made; the plants being extremely difficult of access. 253; XXVII, 1905, pp. 111—122). Th. Thoroddsen: Planteverdenen paa Island (Sal- monsens Leksikon, IX, 1899, pp. 606 -607). Helgi Jónsson: Studier over 0st-ls- lands Vegetation (Bot. Tidsskr., XX, pp. 77—89). Vegetationen paa Snæfellsnes (Vi- densk. Medd. fra naturh. Foren. i Kobenhavn, 1900, pp. 15—97). Vegetationen i Syd- Island (Bot. Tidsskr.. XXVII, 1905, pp. 1 —82) Vegetationen paa Island (Atlanten, 1904, pp. 41—50). Gróðrar- og Jarðvegsrannsóknir (Búnaðarrit XX, 1906, pp. 146— 181; XXIII, 1909, pp. 41—54). Fyrirlestur um gróður Islands (Búnaðarrit, XXI, 1907, pp. 6—20). Bygging og líf plantna, Kobenhavn, 1907, pp. 289—300. 1 Cf. Eug. Warming: Dansk Plantevækst, I, Kobenhavn, 1906.
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The Botany of Iceland

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