The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Side 149

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Side 149
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 333 sected with clefts, rent bv frost, which are filled with Grimmias and Salix herbacea. The ílora of the lava-streams cannot be referred to any single plant-formation, because according to the age and the progessive development of the vegetation, the lava may bear on it all possible kinds of plant-formations. Nevertheless in Iceland several plants Fig. 33. Lava-íieltl in Nordrtírdal in the district of Borgarfjord (Aug. 3, 1909). The lava is covered to a deptli of one foot with a layer of Grimmia hypnoides. Projecting parts of the lava are covcred with crustaceous lichens. Here and there a tuft of Fcstuca ovina. Birch coppice in the background. (Pliot. A. Hesselbo.) are more particularly associated with lava-streams and have there lound shelter in the numerous clefts and depressions, where condi- tions of life are especially suitable for them. Paris quadrifolia is found only on lava-streams, and also ferns are found, in abundance and often as very large specimens. Aspidium fúix mas, A. spinulo- Sl»n, A.lonchitis and A. phegopteris very rarely occur in other habi- tats than lava-clefts; Athyrium filix femina, Woodsia ilvensis, Poly- podium vulgare, Aspidium dryopteris and Cystopteris fragilis are also cornmon in lava-clefts, although they are also met with fairly often ■n other localities, between blocks of rock and in rock-clefts. Milium effusum occurs also most fre([uently in lava-clefts. On lava- 22*
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The Botany of Iceland

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