The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Qupperneq 151

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Qupperneq 151
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 335 The Grimmia-heath formation is co-ordinate with tlie rocky- flat formation, bnt is not so widely distributed by a great deal as is the latter. As already mentioned, it reaches its fullest development on the lava-streams in the lowlands, especially in the peninsula of Reykjanes, where it occupies vast areas; but it also occurs on many other lava-streams. Where tliere are sand-drifts Grimmi'a-carpets oc- cur very sparsely or are entirely absent, as Grimmia hypnoides, the most common species, cannot thrive in drifting sand; therefore ex- tensive areas around Hekla, Fiskivötn and several other places are practically bare of mosses. On the vast lava-fields on the plateau mosses occur very sparingly. In several places the Grímmia-heaths on the lava-streams of the lowlands are comparatively quickly trans- formed into soil for higher plants, which are fairly numerous even in the Grimmia-carpet; generalty the latter, in the course of time, passes into heather-moor; sometimes into patches of grassland. In several places the Grimmia-heath covers, with its characteristic grey carpet, stony mountain-slopes, and areas strewn with rock fragments, and, as is the case with the rocky flat, forms the foundation of a scattered vegetation of many different species, without any special character, but dependent upon the plant-formations of the neigh- bourhood. Usually the Grimmia-heath develops more quickly into heather-moor or grassland than does the rocky-flat formation, owing to the abundant material for soil-formation supplied by the mosses. Grimmia-heaths occupjr large areas in the lower part of the pla- teau, but very few ílowering plants are found there in them; on the other hand, lichens often occur numerously, especially Cetraria and Cladonia, not however so numerousljr that they form a lichen- heath proper, which occurs in Iceland only in patches, and is of no great importance. In the highest parts of the interior of Iceland the Grimmia-heath formation is of much less importance than in the lower part of the plateau. Grassland. Ground covered chiefly witli grasses or grass-like plants may be classified under four heads: grass-slopes (Græsli); knolly grassland (Græsmo); flat uncultivated grassland; and home- fields, artiíicially manured soil. Grass-slopcs (Græsli). The lower son: Gróðrarsaga hraunanna á Islandi (Skirnir, 1906, pp. 150 -163); Vegetation paa Snæfellsnes (Vid. Medd. Nat. Foren.. 1900, pp. 81—84), and Vegetation i Syd-Island (Bot. Tidsskr., 27 Bd., 1905, pp. 53—61). C. H. Ostenfeld: Skildringer af Vegeta- tionen paa Island (Bot. Tidsskr., 22 Bd., 1899, pp. 245—253). Chr. Grönlund: Karakteristik af Plantevæxten paa Island, pp. 30—32.
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The Botany of Iceland

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