The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Blaðsíða 90

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Blaðsíða 90
538 POUL LARSEN Pileus 1—2 cm broad, convex, often with undulate-dentate margin, hygrophanous, tawny when moist (k 5), when dry more yellow (1 5), cuticle even, covered with short yellow fibres. Flesh saffron-yellow or rusty red, very thin, taste bitter. Stipe cylindrical or slightly expanded below, pierced by a slender canal above, 2 cm long, 1.5—2.5 mm thick, the lower two-thirds covered with a fibrous torn, tawny sheath, ending in a raised very conspicuous ring, above which the stipe is shining, smooth and purple violet (o 2 to o 3). — Gills rather broad, plane, emarginate-adnate, rather thick and distant, at first pale purple (n 8), then cinnamon. Basidia obtusely clavate, 6—7 /x broad, 4-spored. — Spores cinnamon- coloured, ellipsoidal, punctate, 1-guttulate, 8—9X5—b.2/x, some few spores up to 10X5.2/u. Caps breaking out in clusters or gregarious. Distinguished by the clothing of the pileus, colour of the stem and the small size of the pileus. 534. C. (Telamonia) hemitrichus (Persoon) Fries, Epicr., p. 302. Agaricus hemitrichus Persoon, Synopsis meth. fungorum, p. 296. Hallormstaðir [P. L.]. — In birch copses, not common. Pileus 3—5 cm broad, convex, gibbous, hygrophanous, dark brown (between g 8 and f 6), covered with white hair-like scales especially along the margin, veil strongly developed and pendent from the margin. Stipe 3—7 cm long, 4—5 mm thick, cylindrical, hollow. internally brown, exter- nally densely covered with the white floccose velum, often terminating in a ring above. — Gills rounded adnate, crowded, toothed, at first greyish white, then cinnamon. — Spores cinnamon-brown, slightly punctate, ellip- soidal, 8X4—4.5 /1. 535. C. (Telamonia) flexipes (Persoon) Fries, Epicr., p. 300. Egilsstaðir [P. L.]. — In birch copses. Pileus 1.5—3 cm broad, at first conical, then expanded with verruci- form centre, hygrophanous, at first dark violet, then reddish grey (k 4), the centre long remaining dark, cuticle covered with a white fibrillose layer, dense and fimbrillate along the margin. — Stipe cylindrical, flexuose, stuffed, 4—7 cm high, 3—4 mm thick, at first all violet, then only violet at apex, constantly covered with an often zone-like, fibrillose white layer. — Gills rather distant, emarginate-adnate, at first violet, then reddish grey and finally cinnamon. — Spores nearly smooth, brown, ellip- soidal, 8—9.6 X 4.5—5 /x. 536. C. (Telamonia) rigidus (Scopoli) Fries, Epicr., p. 302. Agaricus rigidus Scopoli, Flora Carniolica, p. 456. Hallormstaðir [P. L.]. — In birch copses. Pileus 2—3 cm broad, convex, umbonate, brown (h 3), when dry paler brown, margin straightened, at first covered with white íibrils, then naked and glabrous or with the cuticle lacerate-rimose. — Stipe cylin- drical, 5—7 cm high, 2—4 mm thick, filled with a íibrillose tawny mass, rigid, somewhat flexuose, externally concolorous, but partly covered
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The Botany of Iceland

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