The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Blaðsíða 106

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Blaðsíða 106
554 POUL LARSEN 594. R. ochracea (Albertini et Schvveinitz) Fries, Epicr. I, p. 362. Hallormstaðir [P. L.]. — In birch copses. Fairly common. Pileus 5—8 cm broad, plano-convex, centre depressed, margin thin, sulcate. Pellicle slimy and viscid (often covered with earth), margin pale ochre (k 2), centre darker, brownish (h 3 to g 7). Flesh ochraceous (k 2), taste mild. — Stipe white with a brownish tinge, sulcate above, rather short and thick. — Gills narrowly adnate or somewhat emarginate and then with a decurrent tooth, yellow with a yellowish-red tinge (b 7). — Spore powder yellow. Spores yellow, echinulate, subspherical, very vari- able in size, 7—9 fi in diameter. 595. R. decolorans Fries, Epicr., p. 361. Egilsstaðir and Seyðisfjörður [P. L.]. — In birch copses. Not common. Pileus c. 8 cm broad, at first subspherical, then plano-convex, margin very long even, at length somewhat sulcate, pellicle slimy; when fresh it has two main colours: blood-red (j 6—j 7) and orange-yellow (b 5), but soon becoming discoloured to a pale alutaceous (k 2) with a reddish tinge left especially at the margin. Flesh of cap hard, pale, becoming fuscous, taste mild. — Stipe short and thick (4—6 cm X 2—4 cm), base swollen, surface conspicuously veined, at first white, then fuscous with rusty brown spots, especially below. Flesh of stipe soft. — Gills at first pale (g 5), then with a reddish-yellow tinge and íinally spotted with rusty brown, especially at the edge of gills. — Spore powder yellow. Spores pale yellow, subspherical or oval, echinulate-verrucose, of rather variable size, 9—11 fi in diameter, some few even larger. 596. R. nauseosa (Persoon) Fries, Epicrisis, p. 363. Agaricus nauseosus Persoon, Synops. meth. fung., No. 446. Hallormstaðir [P. LJ. — In birch copses. Not common. Pileus 3—5 cm broad, plano-convex, at length almost infundibuliform, flesh thin; slimy, margin at first even, finally sulcate-tuberculate, colour dingy purple (n 8), but the centre may be olive (i 7) or fuscous (h 4), while the margin is grey to purple and more or less covered with yellow spots. — Flesh soft, brittle, white, smell unpleasant, taste at flrst mild, then acrid. — Stipe equal, white, spongy-brittle, spotted with brown on contact, at length becoming grey. — Gills at first pale, then yellow, some few forked, rounded towards the stipe. — Spore powder yellow. Spores pale yellow. echinulate, subspherical, 8—9 fi in diameter. 597. R. fragilis (Persoon) Fries?, E. Rostrup, Isl. Svampe 1903, p. 296. Holar in N. Iceland (Grunlund), det. E. Rostrup. Note. The present writer considers it doubtful whether the determina- tion of this species is correct. I have not observed it anywliere in the birch copses, though this should be the locality where one might expect to fmd this species.
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The Botany of Iceland

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