I & I - 2011, Side 47

I & I - 2011, Side 47
47I&I vík prjónsdóttir scArF FActory Knitwear company Vík Prjónsdóttir operated a scarf factory on the city’s main shopping street Laugavegur, allowing guests to observe the production process and purchase freshly made scarves, made by designers as well as Víkurprjón’s staff. krAds – pLAytime In the courtyard of the Reykjavik Art Museum, Hafnarhúsid, the Icelandic / danish architectural firm KRAdS did a site-specific in- stallation giving guests a glimpse of the traveling workshop PLAY- TIME. developed in collaboration between KRAdS and danish toy manufacturer LEGO, creativity is unleashed through a mixture of play and specific obstructions. sound oF FAsHion Fashion houses Andersen & Lauth and Farmers Market, in col- laboration with filmmakers and musicians, hosted an event at Reykjavik Art Museum, Hafnarhús. The sophisticated and adven- turous feel of Andersen & Lauth was entwined with the air of the countryside romance surrounding Farmers Market, resulting in an Icelandic fairy tale for eyes and ears. wAreHouse The Association of Product and Industrial designers invited the public to an exhibition, featuring new and exciting products by more than 20 designers. A LigHt in tHe dArk Toppstödin, an energy plant of innovation and skill, resides in an historic electrical plant in Ellidaárdalur. There, creative minds, designers and tradesmen share their experience and knowledge, resulting in a variety of innovative design, includ- ing toys, furniture, clothing and vehicles. At designMarch, the Top People hosted an exciting array of installations and events, introducing their work to the public. FLOURISHING design last March, the Iceland design center presented the third annual designMarch in Reykjavík. Featuring Iceland’s internationally renowned veterans in the field as well as fledgling designers, the festival included a wide range of exciting events, exhibitions and lectures. Here are some of the festival’s highlights. By Ásta Andrésdóttir


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