Atlantica - 01.11.2001, Page 72
er bent á að fylgjast vel með öryggisleiðbein-
ingum áhafnarinnar, og einnig kynna sér
öryggisleiðbeiningar á spjaldi í sætisvasanum
fyrir framan þá.
SÆTISBELTI. Við flugtak og lendingu er
skylt að hafa sætisbeltin vel spennt, og sætis-
bök og borð í uppréttri stöðu. Einnig er skylt
að hafa sætisbeltin spennt, þegar kveikt er á
upplýsingaskiltum um sætisbelti. Flugleiðir
mæla eindregið með því að farþegar hafi ætíð
sætisbeltin spennt, þegar þeir sitja í sætunum.
HANDFARANGUR. Handfarangur skal
geyma í lokuðum hillum fyrir ofan sæti eða
undir sætum fyrir framan farþegann. Vegna
takmarkaðs rýmis í farþegarými getur reynst
nauðsynlegt að setja hluta handfarangurs í
farangurshólf vélarinnar. Sýnið varúð, þegar
hillurnar eru opnaðar að loknu flugi, þar sem
farangurinn gæti hafa fluttst til. Handfarangri
á gólfi skal komið fyrir undir sætinu fyrir
framan farþegann.
RAFEINDATÆKI. Öll rafeindatæki senda
frá sér mismunandi sterkar útvarpsbylgjur
sem gætu haft áhrif á hin næmu flugleiðsögu-
tæki og stafrænan tölvubúnað nýjustu gerða
flugvéla. Notkun farsíma, „walkie-talkie”-
tækja, fjarstýrðra leikfanga og annarra tækja,
sem sérstaklega eru gerð til að senda frá sér
útvarpsbylgjur, er ætíð stranglega bönnuð um
borð í flugvélum Flugleiða. Notkun ferða-
segulbandstækja, geislaspilara, fartölva, sjón-
varpsmyndavéla og rafeindaleiktækja er
aðeins leyfð í láréttu farflugi, og er því
bönnuð í flugtaki og klifurflugi, svo og í lækku-
narflugi, aðflugi og lendingu. Vinsamlegast
takið tillit til annarra farþega og notið slík
tæki aðeins með heyrnartólum. Ætíð skal
vera slökkt á hljóðgjafa leiktækja. Notkun
hjartagangráða, heyrnartækja og annarra
tækja sem farþegi þarf að notast við vegna
heilsufars er án takmarkana.
Reykingar eru bannaðar um borð á öllum
leiðum Flugleiða.
Company Notes
w w w. i c e l a n d a i r . n e t
and access to Icelandair’s luxurious departure lounges.
Apply now! Visit our web site, and
earn 500 Award Points. Applications are also available
on board our aircraft and at all Icelandair offices. The
following companies are Icelandair’s Customer Club
travel partners.
Members of the Icelandair Customer Club earn points that
entitle them to various awards and exclusive offers for
themselves and their families. With enough Card Points,
Saga Bonus members are upgraded to Saga Silver or
Saga Gold. These members enjoy extra privileges such as
priority on waiting lists, increased baggage allowances
Fun at the Beach
Icelandair’s staff and their families had a rip-
roaring time at the Nauthólsvík geothermal
beach on 17 August. All ages were enter-
tained by clowns and magicians, followed by
a delicious barbecue in the warm evening
sun, where executive officers and managers
flipped the steaks. Icelandair and STAFF,
Icelandair’s staff association join hands for
this family day out to maintain the great team
spirit characterising Icelandair employees.
Eyes in the Sky
The concept of in-flight entertainment took on a whole new meaning for Business Class pas-
sengers on Icelandair transatlantic flights to and from the USA and Canada on 16 August, when
the carrier became one of the world's first airlines to offer travellers the added luxury of a
personal in-flight DVD player, and a package of eight movies from which to choose.
The scheme, which comes as part of the company's ongoing policy of providing the best cus-
tomer service possible, offers passengers the opportunity of passing their time on board by
watching some of the hottest offerings in contemporary cinema.
The equipment provided includes a state-of-the-art Pioneer personal DVD player and stereo
Icelandair CEO receives The Nordic Marketing Prize 2001
The Nordic Marketing Association (Nordisk Marketsforbund) awarded
Icelandair CEO Sigurdur Helgason the Association’s gold medal for his
contribution to the marketing of Icelandair both in Europe and in the US.
In a press release from the Nordisk Marketsforbund it is stated that
under the strong leadership of Helgason, Icelandair has become a mar-
keting-oriented travel company which has transformed a whole sector of
the Icelandic economy. Helgason and his team have marketed Iceland with
amazing results. Notifiably, the number of tourists to the country has
doubled in only six years.
The Nordic Marketing Prize, first awarded in 1933, is the association’s
most distinguished recognition and is awarded every three years. It has a
very high reputation in the Nordic countries and is only awarded when
the representatives of all the marketing associations of the Nordic coun-
tries unanimously agree on the choice.
Sigurdur Helgason was also voted marketing man of the year 2001 in
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