Atlantica - 01.03.2002, Síða 21

Atlantica - 01.03.2002, Síða 21
A T L A N T I C A 19 Las Vegas – just about every location that she has travelled to for a film, she finds some place to roll the dice. Heck, she even gambled her gold krónur in the video poker machines on a weekend trip to Reykjavík. But gambling is just a harmless vice, she tells me. And everyone needs at least one. One vice that doesn’t whet her appetite is drinking. Unfortunately, this distaste for alcohol makes de Fougerolles feel even more like an outsider in this small Icelandic town, as it’s basically a tradition amongst Icelanders to throw a few too many back on the weekends. “I’m not drinking, so it’s really hard to fit in. I love to party when I can dance. And I tried last Friday, but at 1:00 a.m. they [hadn’t even started yet]. They told me it started at 1:30 a.m., but that’s when I’m sleeping. I couldn’t wait so long [for the party] to start,” she says, amused by her inability to stay up late and hang with the crew. De Fougerolles won’t reveal the misad- ventures that led her to lose her taste for alcohol, but like only an actress could describe so animatedly, she lets on that she had “some bad champagne and I was throw- ing up. Ahhh, it was so awful. I’m not drink- ing champagne anymore.” This adventure in Neskaupstadur has not been awful. Like I said, de Fougerolles is just about the happiest person I’ve ever met who was suffering from a self-described case of the doldrums. She has the refreshing ability to make fun of herself and is, as in the words of the poet William Stafford, ‘willingly falli- ble’. If being pretentious is London, then de Fougerolles is Tokyo. She does not take her- self seriously. Just listen to this amazing blunder which she reveals without hesita- tion even though my tape recorder is still recording. “When I arrived [at the Reykjavík airport], I couldn’t understand anyone’s English. I asked a few times if this was the right flight. So I actually got on the wrong plane and flew to Akureyri. I said, ‘Oh, I’m not going to cry.’ I ended up flying all over the country. When I finally arrived in Neskaupstadur, they all laughed at me.” Hélène de Fougerolles recalls this faux pas with an uncanny ability to mock herself. It’s an endearing quality. Her sarcastic wit makes me want to run to the video store and rent all her movies. Then, with the grace and sincerity of a movie star, she adds: “This gave me the chance to fly all over Iceland and to see its beauty. I think it’s one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen.” Edward Weinman is a staff writer. “I’ve been here for two months, but it feels more like two years ... There’s so much nothing to do here.” 016-018 ATL202 Vi›tal F-rm 31.1.1904 7:21 Page 19
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