Atlantica - 01.11.2002, Síða 26

Atlantica - 01.11.2002, Síða 26
24 A T L A N T I C A than 9,000 people and at times it seems there are that many tourists), wander inside the Gothic masterpiece and work your way up into the towers for remarkable views of Paris, and Quasimodo’s bells. If crowds make your stomach queasy, arrive early in the morn- ing to peak inside at the cathedral’s stunning windows of shimmer- ing medieval stained glass. For a who’s who in French history, bridge the river over into the Latin Quarter and head to where the dead congregate: the Panthéon. While you’ll be awed towards silence when entering the Panthéon, feeling small beneath the towering ceilings and spiritual paintings, a trip to the crypt to see the vaults of France’s most famous dead people is flat out eerie. Contemplate the meaning of it all underground while staring at Voltaire’s tomb or creep yourself out while looking at the hand emerging from the cracked door of Rousseau’s final resting place. And don’t come up for air before stopping by to say hello to Victor Hugo. When all those dead philosophers and writers grate your nerves, sit outside the steps of the Panthéon, munch on a baguette, and watch the students of the Sorbonne idle the time away between classes with games of hackeysack. Try to spot the ones who will, perhaps, one day become famous enough to spend eternity below. While having a tremendous history, Paris also sings to the artist that hides deep within all of us. The city breathes art. Just the list of American expat artists who moved to Paris scrolls for miles on end. The Americans I can name off the top of my head would make an unstoppable literary all-star squad: James Baldwin, E. E. Cummings, William Faulkner, Henry Miller, and da man: Ernest Hemingway. (Okay, so I left out Jim Morrison.) Emilie Pierron a student who works for Les Vedettes du Pont- Neuf, boat tours on the Seine river. What´s your favourite spot along the river? My favourite place is the ice-cream shop Berthillon on the Ile St-Louis. It serves the best ice cream in Paris. Try the chocolate. PARIS 018-025 ATL 602 París 20.10.2002 11:03 Page 24
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