Atlantica - 01.11.2002, Síða 42

Atlantica - 01.11.2002, Síða 42
40 A T L A N T I C A Privatisation and Consolidation This autumn, Landsbanki Íslands hf. (Iceland's oldest full-service commer- cial bank) held its third Iceland Investment Colloquium in Reykjavík. The Colloquium has now become a Landsbanki tradition and attracts a number of senior foreign bankers from the international banking com- munity. Amongst the speakers at this year’s event was Davíd Oddsson, the Prime Minister of Iceland. In his speech, Oddsson said that the economic reforms of the past decade had trans- formed the Icelandic economy from a cyclical one to one driven by dynamic and progressive market forces, allow- ing the nation to enjoy high living standards. The framework for sus- tainable economic growth in Iceland was now in place. The Prime Minister took the opportunity to map out his vision for the Icelandic financial sec- tor. In his view, the State should with- draw from the financial markets and the ongoing privatisation process was a part of that strategy. Other speakers included Halldór J. Kristjánsson, Landsbanki’s CEO, as well as several prominent business leaders from Iceland and abroad. Kristjánsson spoke on the first steps towards consolidation of the Icelandic financial sector. The consol- idation would be driven by the need for greater rationalisation and cost- efficiency of the Icelandic banks, in line with their Scandinavian peers. Icelandic banks have also begun to establish operations overseas, in part to support Icelandic corporations, which are increasingly becoming internationally focused. In Lands- banki’s case, about 20% of the Landsbanki Group’s income is con- tributed by Heritable Bank, a London- based bank specialising in residential development finance. Mr. Kristjáns- son envisioned a future with three large banking groups, offering com- prehensive financial services, includ- ing bankassurance and significant foreign operations. These banking groups would provide ample domes- tic competition and would be of simi- lar size as some of the smaller Scandinavian banks. BAKKAVÖR GROUP – RANKING 2 Founded 1986 Nominations on Europe’s 500: 2 Activity: Production, sale & distribution of chilled food products Business Category (SIC): Industrial products & services 2001: 1996: Employees: 1,900 30 Turnover (per 1,000 Euro): 67.131 8.153 BAUGUR GROUP – RANKING 57 Founded 1998 Nominations on Europe’s 500: 1 Activity: Wholesale and retail as Iceland's lead- ing food and specialty retailer Business Category (SIC): Consumer products & services 2001: 1996: Employees: 3,440 1,130 Turnover (per 1,000 Euro): 475.799 213.927 OPIN KERFI PLC. – RANKING 79 Founded 1995 Nominations on Europe’s 500: 2 Activity: Provision of total computer solutions & service for Icelandic companies and institutions Business Category (SIC): Services 2001: 1996: Employees: 358 24 Turnover (per 1,000 Euro): 67.542 10.800 DECODE GENETICS INC – RANKING 120 Founded in 1996 Nominations on Europe’s 500: 1 Activity: Conducting research into the inherited causes of common diseases Business Category (SIC): Human/pharma biotech 2001: 1997: Employees: 600 100 Turnover (per 1,000 Euro): 35.943 14.445 TÖLVUMYNDIR – RANKING 129 Founded 1986 Nominations on Europe’s 500: 4 Activity: Software development for the fishing, financial, health and utilities sectors Business Category (SIC): General IT services - Systems house 2001: 1996: Employees: 210 15 Turnover (per 1,000 Euro): 17.108 773 ÖSSUR – RANKING 183 Founded 1971 Nominations on Europe’s 500: 4 Activity: Prosthetics and orthotics Business Category (SIC): Industrial products & services 2001: 1996: Employees: 392 67 Turnover (per 1,000 Euro): 76.153 7.816 DELTA LTD. – RANKING 385 Founded 1981 Nominations on Europe’s 500: 2 Activity: Development, production and know- how of generic pharmaceuticals Business Category (SIC): Pharmaceuticals 2001: 1996: Employees: 200 72 Turnover (per 1,000 Euro): 61.321 8.640 TEYMI – RANKING 421 Founded 1995 Nominations on Europe’s 500: 1 Activity: Software distribution/reseller, ser- vices, support & education for Oracle corpora- tion Business Category (SIC): General IT services - Systems house 2001: 1996: Employees: 50 8 Turnover (per 1,000 Euro): 9.100 1.400 Europe's Most Dynamic Entrepreneurs Europe's 500 is an annual pan-European, cross-sector listing honouring 500 of Europe's most outstanding companies. The 2002 listing identified and selected 500 fast-growing, independent and job-creating companies based on their performance between the beginning of fiscal year 1996 and the end of fiscal year 2001. This year Iceland has eight companies on the list, the highest number to date. Here are the Icelandic selectees. For further information go to ICELAND BUSINESS 041-044ATL 602 ICEL.BUSINESS 21.10.2002 15:33 Page 40
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