Atlantica - 01.11.2002, Síða 52

Atlantica - 01.11.2002, Síða 52
50 A T L A N T I C A The Reykjavík Museum of Photography With over 1.7 million photos in their private collection, the Reykjavík Museum of Photography records the contemporary history of Reykjavík on film. The Reykjavík Museum of Photography, founded as a private enterprise in 1981 and taken over by the City in 1987, has a library with assorted books on all types of photography. Visitors wondering what Reykjavík was like before the city leapt into the modern world can browse through old photos from local papers, as well as collections from Magnús Ólafsson (1862- 1937), whose work dates back to the turn of the century. The Reykjavík Museum of Photography also curates regular exhibitions by prominent photographers (both international and Icelandic), offering visitors a look into the still world of photog- raphy. Through 1 December, a collection of 76 portraits taken by the German photographer August Sander (1876 to 1964) will be on exhibition. Sander, whose work is both documentary and artistic, is said to have influenced conceptualism. The collection of his photos on display at the museum con- struct a social portrait of Germany from the end of WWI through the mid-century, capturing Germans from all walks of life, says Hanna Gudlaug Gudmundsdóttir, curator of the Reykjavík Museum of Photography. REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM: KJARVALSSTADIR Permanent exhibition Works from the Kjarval Collection Through 17 November Models and Photographs by Three Architects: includes an exhibition of models, photos and drawings of four public buildings designed by the architectural office of Arno Lederer, Jórunn Ragnarsdóttir and Marc Oei in Stuttgart. Through 17 November Arne Jacobsen - Century of Design: an exhibition featuring one of the most talented Danish archi- tects of the 20th century. Through 5 January, 2003 Danish painter Martin Bigum: ‘The Homecoming’ consists of 13 paintings completed between 1997- 2002, which render the artist’s ideas about the return. Reykjavík Art Museum: Kjarvalsstadir Flókagata, 105 Reykjavík, tel: (+354) 552-6131. REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM: HAFNARHÚSID Permanent exhibition: Erró and History of Art Through 10 November Carnegie Art Award 2002 - Opening exhibition 23 November through 19 January, 2003 Between Legend and Reality, Modern Art from the Arab World Reykjavík Art Museum: Hafnarhúsid Tryggvagata 17, 101 Reykjavík, tel: (+354) 511-5155. REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM: ÁSMUNDARSAFN From November Art in Public: The exhibition reveals how artist Ásmundur Sveinsson felt about the placement of art in public buildings and public spaces around the city. The Reykjavík Art Museum: Ásmundarsafn Sigtún, 105 Reykjavík, tel: (+354) 553-2155. ÁRBÆJARSAFN The Árbæjarsafn Folk Museum takes a look back at traditional Icelandic society and culture, serv- ing as a reminder of what Iceland was like before the country became swept up in modernity. The Folk Museum, the country’s largest open-air museum, is made up of around 30 buildings dating back to the period 1820-1920. This winter the museum is open for guided tours on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 13.00 to 14.00, or by appointment. Join the museum’s staff on the first two Sundays in December for a spe- cial Christmas exhibit that includes candle-mak- ing and a look at Iceland’s 13 Yule Lads. The outside grounds are open between 08.30 and 16.00. Árbæjarsafn Kystuhylur, Árbær, 110 Reykjavík, tel: (+354) 577-1111, REYKJAVÍK CITY LIBRARY The Reykjavík City Library maintains a varied col- lection of newspapers and magazines in up to eight different languages, along with a wide selection of videos, DVDs, CDs, and, of course, a collection of books on Iceland, also available in many different languages. In this bright and airy library, there is also a children’s play area, Internet access and a relaxing coffee shop to fuel you up before heading on to your next stop. Reykjavík City Library Open Mondays-Thursdays 10.00 to 20.00, Fridays 11.00 to 19.00, and Saturdays and Sundays 13.00 to 17.00. Tryggvagata 15, 101 Reykjavík, tel: (+354) 563-1717, WHAT’S ON i-site REYKJAVÍK  i-site REYKJAVÍK❍ The Reykjavík Museum of Photography, Tryggvagata 15, 101 Reykjavík, tel: (+354) 563-1790. 047-058 I-siteAtl502 20.10.2002 11:43 Page 50
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