Atlantica - 01.11.2002, Síða 58

Atlantica - 01.11.2002, Síða 58
The Atlantica INQUISITION Edward Weinman: Why did you choose to host the Edda Awards? Thórey Vilhjálmsdóttir: I have a lot of experience with event management. The Edda Awards is “the event of the year” in Iceland. Sixty-five per cent of the nation watches it live on television, so it was a challenging project to take on. EW: What is your favourite Icelandic film and why? TV: My favourite film is Veggfódur (Wallpaper) because my best friend (and favourite actress) Ingibjörg Stefánsdóttir starred in it. EW: You ran Iceland’s most successful modelling agency. How can such a small nation produce so many beautiful women? TV: Could it be slátur [blood sausage], svid [sheep heads] and brennivín? EW: When the confines of 101 Reykjavík box you in, where do you go to unwind? TV: My parents’ summer house in Skorradalur [southwest Iceland] is a great place to visit to revitalise and relax. The Blue Lagoon is also an amazing place to go if you only have two or three hours and want to feel like you’ve been on a three-week vacation! EW: How do you brighten up the dark winter months? TV: With fireworks. EW: It’s a snowy Saturday afternoon. What are your plans? TV: Go with my son to Hafnarfjördur and look for the “hidden people” living in the lava fields. Since we will not find them, we usually then go to The Pond in front of Reykjavík City Hall to feed the ducks. Afterwards, to warm up, we visit Jómfrúin for a hot chocolate and sweets. EW: You have friends visiting Iceland for the first time. Where will you take them? TV: Nobody should visit Iceland without going to the Blue Lagoon. It’s a must. It’s also great to go up Langjökull glacier [southwest Iceland] on a scooter or by dog sled. Definitely, a boat trip from Stykkishólmur [West Iceland] is a good idea, to see Breidafjördur fjord’s amazing nature and the many sur- rounding islands. Then, of course, a nice dinner at Apótek or ORO and out for an evening of bar hopping. I’d also take them shopping for some Icelandic designs such as Spakmannsspjarir, Elm or Skaparinn. EW: Winter is the perfect time to head to one of Reykjavík’s many cafes. Which one do you recommend for an afternoon espresso? TV: I would go to Kaupfélagid or Sólon. EW: What is your favourite CD by an Icelandic artist and why? TV: Quarashi is my favourite Icelandic group at the moment because I like their musical energy. EW: What three items must a visi- tor to Iceland bring home as a souvenir? TV: Lýsi (fish oil to keep you healthy), an Icelandic wool sweater and happy thoughts. EW: The snowy Saturday afternoon has turned into Saturday night. It’s midnight. Where are you headed? TV: If I want to meet the hip, cul- ture crowd, Kaffibarinn is my first choice, but if I’m looking for a posh night out I would head to Thorvaldssen. Edward Weinman is a staff writer. P H O TO P Á LL S TE FÁ N S S O N Thórey Vilhjálmsdóttir delivers talent. She started Eskimo Models, Iceland’s most successful modelling agency. She enticed actress Teri Hatcher to headline Iceland’s V-Day celebrations, a charity event to stop violence against women. Her latest challenge – hosting November’s Edda Awards (the Icelandic Oscars). Edward Weinman sits down with this talent magnet. 56 A T L A N T I C A 047-058 I-siteAtl502 20.10.2002 11:51 Page 56
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