Atlantica - 01.09.2003, Síða 44

Atlantica - 01.09.2003, Síða 44
Q&A WHAT IS IT LIKE BEING A TELEVISION CELEBRITY IN ICELAND? TKÁ: It’s a small country. Everyone knows who you are, but it’s not difficult. It is quite strange though when everybody suddenly knows your name and your face. I was brought up in Skógar (south Iceland), which is a really small place and I knew everybody and everybody knew me. I think it’s kind of a nice feeling. WHAT HAS BEEN THE BEST PLACE THAT YOU’VE VIS- ITED ON YOUR SHOW? MMR: Definitely Kulusuk, Greenland. I think Greenland was the most surprising place. It was a totally different experience. It was raw, and the people there are very nice. TKÁ: For me, Seydisfjördur, east Iceland. I was working there on a movie last winter, too. It’s a small place, but there’s so much culture – all kinds of singers, actors and happenings all the time. When we were there, they had a Chinese singer in the church. YOU HAVE TO SEND SOMEBODY INTO THE ICELANDIC COUNTRYSIDE FOR 24 HOURS. WHERE DO YOU SEND THEM? MMR: I would send them to Ísafjördur (West Fjords) to go on a kayak. TKÁ: I would send them to Skógar to meet Thórdur Tómasson in the old museum. He built the museum there and he knows everything about Iceland’s history and everything about our folklore. He always sings for the tourists. He’s a legend. WHAT DO YOU DO TO SPOIL YOURSELF FOR A DAY? TKÁ: I walk Keilir – a mountain on the Reykjanes peninsula – and then go to the Blue Lagoon after. MMR: I go to a summerhouse, buy an ice cream on the way, and on the way back, I go to Vid Fjörubordid in Stokkseyri to have lobster. WHAT IS REYKJAVÍK’S BEST-KEPT SECRET? MMR: This is a big question. It’s such a small town, so everybody knows everything. I think the French hot dogs – with the hot dog inside the bread - that they sell outside of the Laugardalur swimming pool may be the best secret. You can only get them there. TKÁ: The asparagus baguette with ham and cream cheese from the bakery Bakarameistarinn Sudurveri near the Kringlan shopping mall. WHEN YOU GO TO THE FLEA MARKET KOLAPORTID DOWNTOWN, WHAT DO YOU ALWAYS WALK AWAY WITH? TKÁ & MMR: Chocolate liquorice. MMR: It’s a sure thing. You don’t leave without it. WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE NEIGHBOURHOOD IN REYKJAVÍK? TKÁ & MMR: 101! TKÁ: You don’t have to drive anywhere in 101. You can walk to the coffee shop, or to the store. I’ve always lived in 101 when I’ve lived in Reykjavík. There’s so much life here. MMR: I like the Thingholt neighbourhood in 101 by the church. I used to live in the suburbs, and I think it’s so relaxing to take the bus. You don’t have to drive 20 minutes to go someplace. COULD YOU EVER LIVE OUTSIDE REYKJAVÍK? TKÁ: If I finish studying theology at the University and become a priest, maybe I’ll move somewhere in the country. MMR: I don’t think I would like to move outside of Reykjavík if I stay in Iceland. I grew up in a city and I think I’ll always live in a city. I like hav- ing people around me. WHAT MAKES ICELAND SPECIAL? MMR: I think it’s the air. When you are abroad, and you come home, you are like (breathes in deeply)… TKÁ: You can breathe deep down into your lungs. It’s refreshing. WHAT IS THE BEST THING THAT YOU CAN GET IN ICELAND THAT YOU CAN’T GET ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD? TKÁ & MMR: The water. The Nitty-Gritty LAMB OR FISH? TKÁ: Lamb. MMR: Lamb. BJÖRK OR SIGUR RÓS? TKÁ: Björk. MMR: Sigur Rós. NORTH ICELAND OR SOUTH ICELAND? TKÁ: South. MMR: North. VÍKING OR THULE? TKÁ: Thule. MMR: Víking. When I drank beer in the old days (Maríkó turned 22 in August), I always drank Víking. Krista Mahr is a freelance writer from California. 42 A T L A N T I C A P H O TO P Á LL S TE FÁ N S S O N Geared up with matching tracksuits and one big hand mike, the girl duo of popular summer television series Hjartsláttur á ferd og flugi (Heartbeat) takes Reykjavíkers around the country to get in touch with the sights and the people of Iceland. Atlantica takes a whirlwind tour of Iceland’s finest through the expert eyes of summer’s favourite flavours, Thóra Karítas Árnadóttir and Maríkó Margrét Ragnarsdóttir. 42 A T L A N T I C AL I Q&A The Atlantica INQUISITION 031-042 I-siteE ATL 503-rm 19.8.2003 18:33 Page 42



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