Atlantica - 01.09.2003, Síða 57

Atlantica - 01.09.2003, Síða 57
Company Notes (I C E L A N D A I R Icelandair is the eighth best international airline in the world, according to a new survey conducted by research company Harris Interactive for Travel + Leisure magazine. The results were announced in New York City in early August.These are the eighth annual Travel + Leisure world's best awards. Last year, Icelandair was number 24, but jumped all the way to number eight this year (with Air New Zealand at number seven and Malaysian Airlines at number nine). In the top three places were Singapore Airlines, Cathay Pacific and Virgin Atlantic. Travel + Leisure magazine has over 4.5 million readers world- wide. Harris Interactive conducted the survey amongst 200,000 subscribers of the magazine, who chose the best air- lines, hotels, islands, car rentals and more. Those polled were asked to rate the airlines according to cabin comfort, food, in- flight service, customer service and value. "This is a great honour for Icelandair.We are by far the small- est airline on the list and are higher on the list than many larg- er airlines that are known worldwide. Our passengers usually give us a good grade for service in our regular surveys on board, but it takes a lot to climb this high on an extensive sur- vey like this one. This gives credit to our marketing efforts abroad and creates new possibilities in promotion of the air- line," says Gudjón Arngrímsson, Director Corporate Communications. ...An Outstanding Wine Cellar in the Sky Icelandair was chosen as having the third best wine cellar in the sky by Business Traveller Magazine. The airline places emphasis on good service on board and is proud to receive this recognition. Írafár will record their next album in Orlando, Florida with the help of Icelandair. Birgitta Haukdal, the lead singer of the band, was Iceland’s representative at the Eurovision song contest this year, and the band’s first album broke all sales records domestically. Icelandair is proud to be their sponsor and will continue to support Icelandic musicians, both through Iceland Airwaves and The Reykjavík Loftbrú Fund. 55 Eighth Best Internat iona l Air l ine in the World Icelandair, Air Iceland and several other parties connected with the aviation and travel industry in Iceland held an Air Festival at Reykjavík Airport on 16 August to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Icelandair, the 100th anniversary of flight and the 60th anniversary of Iceland’s sole Douglas DC-3 airplane. The festival featured many events both on the ground and in the sky. Among the highlights were the landing and take-off of a Boeing 757, aerobatics, skydiv- ing and glider demonstrations. The programme also featured an exhibition of old and new airplanes. The Air Festival was part of the Reykjavík Culture Night, and it's estimated that forty thousand people visited the festival area during this memorable day. Icelandair Signs Deal with Icelandic Hit Band Írafár  C o m p a n y N o t e s Forty Thousand Attend Air Festival 051 ATL 503 Flugleid 19.8.2003 19:11 Page 55



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