Atlantica - 01.03.2004, Blaðsíða 17

Atlantica - 01.03.2004, Blaðsíða 17
really hard to compare these two sports. We have 17 home games in soccer and five home games in football for each team. In Frankfurt, our average attendance at football games is higher than at the soccer games of Eintracht Frankfurt. But would it be like this with 17 home games? I don't think so." And would the Galaxy out-draw Eintracht per game if the soccer team wasn't at the bottom of the Bundesleague standings? FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT NFLEL is entertainment for the entire family, and this selling point is reflected in Frankfurt's fan base, 45 per cent women (additional- ly, 25 per cent bring their kids). Ehry points out that in Germany, soccer fans are roughly 80 per cent male. Still, even in Germany, where the league has been widely popu- lar, soccer reigns supreme. Take the 2006 World Cup. Although qualifying matches haven't started, the Cup already affects NFLEL attendance. How is this possible? Right now all across Germany sta- diums are undergoing facelifts, including Frankfurt's home stadium, Waldstadion. The stadium - once a venue for an Ali fight - holds roughly 60,000 fans. At the moment, however, portions of the sta- dium are cordoned off for repairs, cutting attendance by half. Despite soccer's influence, the league is slowly building its fan base. The German teams are the most successful, which is why after the Barcelona Dragons folded, a new team started in Cologne, the Centurions. Now, four of the six NFLEL teams make their home in Germany; the other teams are the Scotland Claymores and the Amsterdam Admirals. But competing in Germany doesn't guaran- tee success. The Berlin Thunder has struggled, averaging about 10,000 to 15,000 spectators per game last season. To increase atten- dance, the team has moved into historic Olympic Stadium. AMERICAN STYLE Americans have a strong cultural influence in Germany. From the military bases to the historical presence the US has developed since WWII, the American way of life curdles through the country. Part of that cultural sway is American sports. The Admirals and the Claymores might disagree, but NFLEL could just as easily be called NFL German League. "A lot of things in Germany are handled American style. We get their movies, food and drinks, music, clothing, everything," says Kleinmann. If the league is to survive, and thrive, on a continent where soc- cer is more important than life itself, the German teams must lead the way by building a loyal following. And that's exactly what the Galaxy is doing. As a kick-off to the start of its own season, the Galaxy hosted one of the largest Super Bowl parties in the world on Super Bowl Sunday, with over 2,000 fans showing up to watch the game on a monster screen, 12 metres by eight metres in size. Because the Super Bowl was played in Houston, Texas, the party's theme was 'Space City, USA'. The Galaxy even had a flight simulator at the party and some creative fans dressed up in Star Trek outfits. "The game is as much entertainment as it is sports. The promos are the way to get fans to go, and over time they develop a sense for the game, and then they come for the game," says Ehry. However, until fans start filling stadiums for the poetry of football, bring on the cheerleaders, and let's not forget Lt Uhura. Edward Weinman is a staff writer. P H O TO S F R A N K FU R T G A LA X Y 007 Airmail ATL 204 19.2.2004 15:45 Page 15
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