Atlantica - 01.03.2004, Blaðsíða 22

Atlantica - 01.03.2004, Blaðsíða 22
20 A T L A N T I C A quarters to Checkpoint Charlie, sight of the Allied military post that once divided East from West, a contentious spot where Soviet and American tanks stared down one another during the cold war like two heavyweight boxers before a prize-fight. Once the Wall came down, the original military guard post went into the Allied Museum at Clayallee. Today, you can sip on a beer at Café Adler and watch tourists taking pictures in front of the replica guard post erected in the exact location. Souvenir hunters will be happy to know that Friedrich- strasse is loaded with street vendors hawking cold war keepsakes like Soviet flags, army hats, gas masks, and flags with pictures of Lenin; there’s even a babushka with Gorbachev’s face paint- ed on it. If you are jonesing to see more of Berlin from the Cold War perspective, make sure to visit the Museum Haus am Checkpoint Charlie, a flip of a nickel down from the guard post. Here the his- tory of the Wall is played out in pho- tographs of escape tunnels and the tales of those who tried – and failed – to cross the border. EAST ENDERS Now that the sightseeing is over, it’s time to enjoy the best of Berlin: the people and places that make this city such an exciting place to visit. When the Wall came down, thousands of students flocked to the eastern part of “Berlin is a world town,” says Firat Akgil. “Many cultures mix here. I am Turkish. But I was born here. I grew up here. I am part of Berlin. It’s part of me.” L Berlin 016 Atl 204 19.2.2004 11:54 Page 20
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