Atlantica - 01.01.2006, Síða 18

Atlantica - 01.01.2006, Síða 18
16 AT L A N T I CA Flying coach? Spoil yourself – no one else is going to do it. Once, several years ago, I had the good fortune to be bumped from coach to business class on an international flight. The upgrade came as a complete surprise; one minute, my smooth-talking companion was exchanging words across the desk at check-in, the next thing I knew we were soaring from Los Angeles to Hong Kong, accepting glass flutes of champagne and freshly-squeezed orange juice from flight attendants who called us by name. Many economy seats later, the only perk I’m left with is my business class goody bag, a bundle placed tenderly into our hands as we taxied on the runway. I tore into mine like a kitten on a ball of yarn, dislodging an assortment of thoughtful details: a sleep mask, a pair of clean fuzzy socks, a vial of rose perfume, a toothbrush and paste, good headphones, and a variety of wonderfully packaged unguents to protect against the drying cabin air. Barring another act of airline largesse, I won’t be jetting business class again anytime soon. But the taste of life beyond the privacy curtain spoiled me. Next time I fly, I’m going to be giving myself white-glove treatment with a homemade flight kit inspired by the goody-bag of yore. As do-it-yourself projects go, the flight kit isn’t a hard one. With a little bit of gathering and planning ahead, you can seriously up your quality of life in coach. To assemble my own, I started by picking up a simple vinyl case at the American chain The Container Store. And then I went looking for goodies to fill it, following the main categories of loot in the original: toiletries, luxuries, diversions, and foils for stress. Because air travel wreaks special havoc on the hair and skin, in addition to inducing the same not-so-fresh feeling as any mode of travel, I made toiletry items my first priority. For moisturizing purposes, I chose a tin of pure shea butter from L’Occitane, a drugstore tin of Nivea Crème, and a tube of Kiehl’s potent Lip Balm #1. A trip to the modernist-luxe travel store Flight 001 (it’s online) turned up a charming argyle travel toothbrush and a tiny deodorant crystal. A tin of atomic-strength ‘After Coffee’ mints from Starbucks seemed like a good idea, as did a spritz of Demeter’s ‘Laundromat’ fragrance – it smells uncannily like the real thing, and will complete the illusion that one hasn’t been breathing the same old air for the last seven hours. on the fly FULL PRODUCT DETAILS: • Smartwool running socks, $13.95, at outdoor stores and • Marilyn Snooze Mask, Fred Flare, $10, at; other masks in series at • Kiehl’s Lip Balm #1, $5.50, Saks Fifth Avenue and Kiehls stores. • Nivea Crème, 1-oz. tin, $0.99 at Walgreens • Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer, 0.5 oz, $1.29 at Walgreens • Laundromat cologne spray by Demeter Fragrance Library, $19 at Sephora.; • After Coffee Mints, $1.95, Starbucks. • Aquafresh Extreme Clean whitening toothpaste, trial size, $1.49 at Walgreens. • L’Occitane Shea Butter, $7 at Sephora.; • Crystal Stick Body Deodorant, $4 at Flight 001, San Francisco;; • Argyle toothbrush, Creations by Alan Stuart New York, $7 at Flight 001, San Francisco; • Rodeo Queen pocket notebook, Red Horseshoe, $3 at Cody’s Books, San Francisco. www.redhorseshoe. com, or buy at • Blank ‘Air Food’ notecard, K Monster & Company, $4 at Flight 001 • Bük pamphlets by Bükamerica, Inc., $1.49 each at Flight 001; • The Gripp Sports and Fitness Hand Trainer, $6.50 at REI, • Origins Sensory Therapy: Peace of Mind, $10.00, at Macy’s department stores, Origins stores, or • Mack’s Original SafeSound Earplugs, $4.29 for 10 pairs, Walgreens • Emergen-C packet, $0.39, health food stores Expenses = $102.97 Good to Go Text by Katherine Sharpe Illustrations by Lilja Gunnarsdóttir Airmail+OTF ATL106.indd 16 16.12.2005 12:15:13
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