Atlantica - 01.01.2006, Side 55

Atlantica - 01.01.2006, Side 55
 AT L A N T I CA 53 GRAFARHOLT. “It’s a very young society, despite the sagas being written thousands of years ago.... People are not scared to give power to young peo- ple. A more mature society is very much based on the fact that you have to suffer to achieve a higher position. Older people are almost always in power.” On him: Jeans, Levis. Shoes, Converse. Jacket, All Saints. Scarf, Next. On her: Leather jacket and jeans, All Saints. On Chihuahua: Winter coat, FOSSVOGUR. “The equation that young people don’t have money does not apply here. We had a 24-year-old carpenter working on our house who bought a Mercedes from the US on e-Bay. The majority of young people in Reykjavík spend a fortune every weekend... but their lifestyle is crazy. People start earning money young.” On her: Cape, Karen Millen. Skirt, All Saints. Shoes, Topshop. On him: Hat, shoes and shirt, Elvis. Suit, Hugo Boss. Briefcase, Tösku og hanskabúdin. Photographer: Adam Scott Stylist and Make up: Petra Dís Assistant to Stylist: Helena Konradsdóttir Models: Vala Hafstad and Hákon Pálsson ICELAND a 050-53 Atl 106 Suburbs+Ice.indd 53 16.12.2005 12:53:14



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