Atlantica - 01.02.2006, Side 7

Atlantica - 01.02.2006, Side 7
a{Editor: Krista Mahr. Deputy and picture editor: Páll Stefánsson. Staff writers: Edward Weinman Designer: Erlingur Páll Ingvarsson. Contributing photographers: Gúndi. Contributing writers: Bart Cameron, Tania Menai, Adam Key Raney, Eliza Reid, Katherine Sharpe. Copy editor: Alda Sigmundsdóttir. Illustrator: Lilja Gunnarsdóttir. Icelandair editorial consultants: Áslaug Thelma Einarsdóttir, Guðjón Arngrímsson. Production: Erlingur Páll Ingvarsson. Color production: Páll Kjartansson. Publisher: Benedikt Jóhannesson. Advertising sales: Helga Möller, Editorial/advertising offices: Borgartún 23. 105 Reykjavík, Iceland, Tel: (+354) 512-7575, Fax: (+354) 561-8646,, Printed at Oddi, Iceland. ATLANTICA is published in Reykjavík, Iceland, by Iceland Review, a division of Heimur Ltd. Copies of ATLANTICA can be obtained from the publisher at USD 6 per copy (airmail, worldwide). No articles in this magazine may be reproduced elsewhere in whole or in part without the permission of the publisher. AT L A N T I C A I S P R O D U C E D F O R P A S S E N G E R S O N I C E L A N D A I R ’ S I N T E R N AT I O N A L R O U T E S A N D I S N O T F O R D I S T R I B U T I O N W I T H I N I C E L A N D Cover photo by Páll Stefánsson P H O TO O N T H IS P A G E P Á LL S TE FÁ N S S O N A New Chapter in Icelandair Group’s History Address from Icelandair President and CEO Jón Karl Ólafsson. Airmail Renzo Piano designs the new New York Times building. Also, women presidents, tech gadgets & gear, plus one giant snow-dome. Finding Forest On the set of A Little Trip to Heaven with the veteran actor Forest Whitaker. By Edward Weinman. On the Fly Go sailing on a freighter, and spice up those cold hotel rooms with Mexican folk art. How to Stay Warm in St. Petersburg Atlantica editor Krista Mahr survives the Russian winter thanks to the hospitality of some thirsty locals in St. Petersburg. Photos by Páll Stefánsson. The Mancunian Candidate If you’re not a football fan, Manchester is most likely not on your itiner- ary. But missing what George Orwell called the “the belly and guts of the nation” would be a mistake, writes Eliza Reid. Photos by Páll Stefánsson. 7 9 18 16 34 42 52 54 67 60 High Water Blues Bart Cameron rides the wake of Hurricane Katrina through the home of the Blues. Photos by Gúndi. Pieces of Iceland Post-war design. Remembering What You Hear Garrison Keillor turns his hit radio show A Prairie Home Companion into a movie directed by Robert Altman and starring the likes of Meryl Streep and Lindsay Lohan. By Edward Weinman. Your Guides to Reykjavík Welcome Aboard In-flight films and music, company notes, destination information, domestic route map/facts about Iceland, US immigration and customs information, international route map and flight bar. 26 007 CEO Atl206.indd 5 21.2.2006 14:32:50



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