Atlantica - 01.02.2006, Síða 11

Atlantica - 01.02.2006, Síða 11
 AT L A N T I CA 9 …is coming in furry packages for residents of rural Mozambique like this young girl photographed in the southern village of Hindane. In March, the government’s effort to rid the nation of landmines will get a boost from a newly activated force of MDRs, or Mine Detection Rats. Belgian organization APOPO found that rats’ keen sense of smell, adaptability, and penchant for performing trained tasks make them a natural mine detection tool. The organization, which works in Africa, uses leashed giant pouched rats to sniff surfaces for buried explosives. There are 22 trained MDRs in Mozambique today, 17 of which have passed the appropriate tests to start their work. Though landmine casualties in Mozambique are low compared to countries like Sri Lanka and Cambodia, over 10 percent of Mozambique’s population still faces the daily danger of setting off one of the landmines riddling the country after its 16-year civil war. It’s estimated that about 100 countries are still affected by landmines. In 2005, thirteen countries were found to still be producing antipersonnel mines, including North Korea and the United States. P H O TO B Y P Á LL S TE FÁ N S S O N ggggggggggggGood News 009 airmail Atlantica 206.indd 9 21.2.2006 11:28:24
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