Atlantica - 01.02.2006, Page 59

Atlantica - 01.02.2006, Page 59
Dining out in Iceland the art of fusion... seafood cellar restaurant aðalstræti 2 � tel. 511 1212 monday - saturday 11:30 - 23:30 sunday 17:00 - 23:30 ����������������������������� �������������������� E N N E M M / S ÍA / N M 19 6 1 „VOX is simply the best Restaurant in Iceland, and in my view if you travel the world over I doubt you will find a better one.“ Gestgjafinn Magazine, 2004 Icelandic Gourmet Magazine the best simply Nordica hotel Su›urlandsbraut 2 Tel. 444 50 50 VOX Restaurant 18:30 - 22:30 Closed Sunday & Monday VOX Bistro 11:30 - 22:30 Open all week Augl ATL206.indd 57 21.2.2006 8:27:51



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