Atlantica - 01.04.2006, Side 24

Atlantica - 01.04.2006, Side 24
22 AT L A N T I CA Warm up your cold hotel room with do-it-yourself nichos. If it takes a Xanax and a glass of wine to help you drum up the courage to board a trans-Atlantic flight, you’re not alone. Nearly 25 million Americans would prefer not to fly, about 1.4 million less than the number of hits one gets when googling “fear of flying.” For those of you crowding into coach, it’s also helpful to note that aviophobia strikes even the rich and famous, from football star Dennis Bergkamp (ironic considering his nickname, the Flying Dutchmen) to the Dalai Lama, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Some studies suggest that half the passengers on any given flight will experience some degree of discomfort. According to research conducted by Boeing, one in three Americans feels some anxiety about flying or has an outright phobia. Since the planet is approximately 71 percent water and engineers have yet to construct a tunnel underneath any one of the world’s five oceans, flying is a must if you have aspirations to fill your passport with stamps from exotic locations. That is, unless you don’t mind spending two to three weeks aboard an ocean liner traveling from LA to Australia. Even for those not interested in leaving their respective continents, our mobile, fast-paced way of life requires flight. Thankfully, help is out there. Not only are there numerous “fear of flying” seminars available to those of us dependent upon pharmaceuticals to fly, but there are countless companies like Soar, Inc., which as their website reveals have been helping clients get over their fear of flying since 1982. Log on to Soar’s website ( and the site’s soft blue, gentle design is immediately relaxing. Here you can see a photo of the company’s owner, Tom Bunn, former commercial pilot and now-counselor. His e-mail address is provided, as is his cell phone, allowing nervous flyers to call with questions on a wide range of topics, like turbulence. “First you need to know that turbulence is a problem for people only because people think turbulence is a problem for the airplane,” Mr. Bunn writes. “Actually the airplane couldn’t be happier than when in turbulence. It just doesn’t bother airplanes, only us who think it bothers airplanes.” Mr. Bunn’s counseling sessions help explain the unknown. They give insights into the airline industry, aeronautics, air traffic control, and help nervous passengers realize that those grinding, herky-jerky noises heard while taking off are nothing to worry about. But according to Mr. Bunn, staying relaxed about your flight starts with leaving the house for the airport. Don’t rush, he advises. on the fly UP, UP AND AWAY P H O TO B Y P Á LL S TE FÁ N S S O N 009 airmail Atlantica 306.indd 22 23.4.2006 22:21:14
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