Atlantica - 01.12.2006, Qupperneq 11

Atlantica - 01.12.2006, Qupperneq 11
 AT L A N T I CA 9 P H O TO B Y P Á LL S TE FÁ N S S O N And Then There Were 27 Has it really been two years since the signing of the Treaty of Accession? The what? You know, the treaty calling for Romania and Bulgaria to officially join the European Union. Yes, it has. As of 1 January 2007, the former communist nations will be sending their own bureaucrats to Brussels, joining the other 25 European Nations, increasing the EU’s population by 30 million to 490 million, and stretching the EU’s eastern borders to the Black Sea. “This is the genuine and final fall of the Berlin Wall for Bulgaria,” the Bulgarian Prime Minister, Sergey Stanishev, told reporters in September, after the European Commission announced its decision. But not everyone is dancing in the streets. With ten new members having joined the EU in 2004, mostly from the former Soviet bloc, western European nations have been holding their breath, fearing a wave of economic migrants flooding their borders from the East. The admittance of Bulgaria and Romania only adds to this fear. With weak criminal justice systems and charges of corruption, Romania and Bulgaria lag behind the eight other former communist nations that joined the EU in 2004. The European commission has imposed stiff restrictions on the former Warsaw Pact nations, warning them that if reforms aren’t instituted, Romania and Bulgaria “would be excluded from core areas of the EU” such as justice and home affairs, reported The Guardian. But the commission’s report stated that the two nations had made significant strides in reaching EU standards. Plus, Romania and Bulgaria belong to NATO, and supply troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Jose Manuel Barroso, the commission’s president, told the EU’s parliament that Romania and Bulgaria’s membership would be “a historic achievement on the path to reunification of our European family.” Next on the list of hopefuls is Turkey. But with a suggested freeze on EU ascension, plus a EU constitution that has yet to be adopted, it appears Turkey will have to wait to join the clan. EW 009 airmail Atlantica 606.indd 9 20.10.2006 9:07:43
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