Atlantica - 01.12.2006, Blaðsíða 36

Atlantica - 01.12.2006, Blaðsíða 36
PARISa because it was raining. When I’m tired I lie down and it don’t matter where. Sometimes it’s in the pahking lot.” I ask Pete where he met these guys, with whom he’s eaten breakfast more than 5,000 times. “Aw, I just found these guys crawhlin’ down the street,” he smirks, shifting in his stool. “What do you do during the two-and-a-half days the diner’s closed?” I ask no one in particu- lar. “We tailgate it,” Babson says, deadpan. Becky Rand, 52, opened her eponymous diner on Hobson’s Wharf in 1991 with USD 55,000 of borrowed money and a prayer. “There was a need for this,” Rand told me later. “You know, the guy with the grease on his clothes and the fiberglass in his hair needs a place to eat. Everyone wants to eat a good meal. A homemade meal.” At the time, her children were between the ages of one and 12, and her husband had just left her. She waited tables breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and baked pies during her “free” time to make ends meet. She had no health insurance and slowly began to lose her house. “One sick kid would wipe out my money for the week,” Rand said. She has since put all of her children but one through college. “You’ve gotta fake it ’til you make it.” Every one of her kids either works or has worked at the diner. Rand’s dad comes in three times a day – at night he mops the floor. Her three sons, all lobstermen, catch the lobsters she serves for dinner. Rand’s hours? Usually 2:30 pm until 2:30 am. Her office, the size of a janitorial closet, is crammed to the ceiling with stuff, and there’s no room on the desk to complete paperwork for bills or payroll. Come midnight, she lays her spreadsheets out on the front counter and gets her work done. Nowadays she’s usually out before the 4 am boys roll in, but not always. “There’s a buzz at 4 am,” Becky says. “They’re almost always chatting about the weather while nursing their coffee. As it gets colder, they linger a little longer. And, you know, I always feel a responsibility. When we close those two and a half days, I want to be here for them.” His usual: a coffee and a “medium rare” blueberry muffin, (read: fresh out of the oven). Plus one to go. BECKY RAND 034-44MainAtl606.indd 34 18.10.2006 21:54:01
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