Iceland review - 2012, Qupperneq 31

Iceland review - 2012, Qupperneq 31
ICELAND REVIEW 29 sweet teeth "Kókosbolla" among some of the children in our midst,” continued the school nurse, a woman by the name of Sigrún Björnsdóttir. She said that the children were often poorly dressed, “some of them do not have outdoor clothing so teachers and staff members often bring them clothes that their own children have outgrown.” She stated that the parents were often low- wage earners and lived in second-rate housing. “To experi- ence a shortage in all areas sets a permanent mark on the children.” This was during the boom period, when pension funds began cutting back on benefits to people with disabili- ties while the government decided to allow them to increase their income by working. Something went amiss because the following year persons with disabilities had to repay the department of social insurance 20,000 ISK per month. The Family Support Organization (Fjölskylduhjálpin) distributed food and Christmas presents to the poor but Davíð Oddsson, who was then Prime Minister, said that line-ups appeared wherever something could be had for nothing. At that time, the media did not consider reports about the living standards of the poor to be a newsworthy issue, unless some rich big shot dressed up as Santa Claus and gave to the poor in the presence of photographers. Rather, the tales told were of dar- ing financiers, of their chivalric castles of cards and of their aeroplanes and yachts. Poverty has increased since the crash. Those who were in it before are still there, but adding to their group are those who have lost their jobs, those so indebted that they fail to make ends meet and even people who were wealthy but lost everything. That which does not appear in adults can be seen in the children. At the same time as the welfare system is slashed, some members of Parliament want to build a harbour for a decommissioned aluminium smelter and expend seven hundred million crowns in the process, but it is out of the question to raise the price of energy for big industry, change the fisheries’ quota system or challenge the holding companies of the wealthy. The government and its supporters understand the problem but lack solutions and a change of government would affect little change, except for the worse.  Who needs coal when you have fire? Landsvirkjun is among Europe’s leading producers of energy from renewable sources. This summer, three of our power stations are open to the public. Opening hours and route information at Landsvirkjun is Iceland’s largest producer of renewable energy
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Iceland review

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