Iceland review - 2012, Side 35

Iceland review - 2012, Side 35
ICELAND REVIEW 33 ART Tall and slender, with porcelain skin and bright red lips, Andrea Maack greets me at her company’s headquarters in 101 Reykjavík, overlooking the city’s busiest shopping street. The white walls are lined with Andrea’s own striking graphics; on tabletops lie neatly ordered perfume bottles, magic markers, flowers, books and magazines. In here, it smells absolutely divine. “Since signing with major Italian perfume distributor Intertrade Europe last September, it’s been a whirlwind; a lot of work,” she says as we take a seat at her desk. “Since then, my partner Gísli has managed the company and my friend and long time collaborator Ingibjörg Agnes Jónsdóttir has been appointed head of design. We’ve been travelling all over Italy and the United States, hosting press meetings and events in stores as well as within the art scene. Intertrade now oversees our global distribution and the production has moved to Italy. This deal allows us to focus freely on the design and development of the concept. The world of niche perfume is fascinating; we’re enjoying it all very much.” A 2005 graduate of the Iceland Academy of the Arts with a degree in visual arts, Andrea‘s path to success in the world of high-end perfumes is unusual to say the least. “As a visual artist I am interested in fashion and beauty and that’s how it all began,” she explains. “Preparing for an art exhibition in the 2008 Reykjavík Arts Festival, I got the idea to make a perfume. I had already started working with the concept of wearable art, for example making dresses from paper I had drawn on. Before becoming an artist, I had worked in the London fashion industry and was even enrolled in a fashion design program. But I just had this gut feeling that I should come home and study art instead. However, as soon as I started my artistic career I couldn’t ignore this old passion of mine,” she says. “I named it SMART, which is an abbreviation for Smell Art. I only had four bottles made for the fake perfume launch, which of course was really an artistic installation. Guests got to take home a piece of a drawing I had made, which had inspired the fragrance. I played the hostess and sprayed the scent onto their piece of drawing or their skin. During the run of the show, the gallery owner allowed guests to try it and soon people were asking where they could purchase it. Then there was no turning back. Especially since I had come up with such an innovative way to create it.” What Andrea had done was send her handmade drawing, along with sketches of the gallery space, to a French perfume designer who then interpreted it as a scent. This process has since become her trademark. “Even if I like to cross into the worlds of fashion and beauty, I still remain true to my artistic side – my drawings are the basis for everything I do.” She reaches for a bottle of the fragrance and sprays it on a white paper stick. The scent is soft and powdery, a delicate combination of violet leaf, jasmine, sandalwood, vanilla, white musk and buck- skin. “It was made in Grasse, France. Since it was not intended to be marketed, there were no restrictions as to what it could cost or anything like that. So, the perfumers were allowed to go wild,” she smiles. After the success of SMART, Andrea wanted to continue on the same path. A second fragrance, CRAFT, is a twist on couture art, and was created for a show at the Reykjavík Art Museum. It accompanied a dress Andrea made in collaboration with a French fashion designer. “The dress was made entirely by hand; it was an ode to haute couture, and took 200 hours to make,” she says, pointing to a mannequin in a gown that is somehow both fragile and strong, classic and futuristic. Upon closer examination, the meticulous pencil-drawn print becomes evident. The third, and somewhat bolder fragrance, SHARP, was inspired by a more colorful drawing that accompanied a sponge dress Andrea made for the Dutch fashion Biennial. “In addition to spray- ing the scent, I decided to make twenty-five 25-ml bottles to sell at a concept store. They sold out immediately.” Following the success of the first three fragrances, both in Iceland and abroad, Andrea began to consider turning the fra- grances into marketable products and received a couple of product development grants. After that, the fragrances were launched at Spark, Reykjavík’s leading design gallery, in a major exhibition entitled Eau de Parfum. “This time, I decided to have a thousand bottles made, with proper packaging and all. I had no idea what I was getting myself into but thought that selling them in Iceland would be a good place to start—to test the market. Sales took off immediately and I also received a lot of requests from vendors in other countries as well. Completely new to the industry, I decided to proceed with caution and therefore chose only a handful of shops abroad. When my perfumes got coverage in the design


Iceland review

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