The Quad

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The Quad - 01.03.1941, Qupperneq 7

The Quad - 01.03.1941, Qupperneq 7
CK with which to build roads. And the MU CK was í'rozen for it was cold. And the diggers were frozen for they W'ere cold and they thought of many things for diggers are queer. They did laugh and jest among themselves and the hole became larger until it was even a crater. And there were those among them who were anxious not liking pits for they are deep affairs. But the day came when the soil that was frozen was no more — which was not amazing. But the diggers continued to dig. And as they dug they sank, yea, and quickly, for there was nothing to dig. And they did laugh as they dug and sank for verilj'- they had lost all sense and reason with digging at nothing. And their comrades saw them not and they did mourn in the Temple that was called the NA FI. Voc-Ab-Ul. THE Dusk was falling over „Dacre Banks“ when a wandering sentry howled a terrifying howl from the topside of the camp. His half- section (dozing near the dump) took up the call and hurried for- ward to assist. In the Guard Hut the Sergeant of the Guard also heard the call and, turning out the Guard, sent them forward with the Bombadier wThile he himself sent a general alarm through the camp. Sleep fuddled gunners of „E“ troop manned the guns, while equally sleepy N. C. Os whispered questions among themselves. What had happened? Sleepiness had gone now, the shrill note of a bugle over at „Hallams“ sent a comfortable thrill through the wai- ting men. Had „Jerry“ landed? Had the Icelanders revolted? Excited whisperings filled the gunpits with a continual buzz. Suddenly the men were paraded and marched back to their huts meeting on their way the armed parties also returning. The empty „Woodbine“ packet found ljdng not two yards from the Main Gate had been successfully picked up and thrust into a sandbag. Ginsberg. 15


The Quad

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