Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1985, Síða 49

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1985, Síða 49
PLANTUFRØÐILIGAR BÓKMENTIR FØROYUM VIÐVlKJANDI 53 Acknowledgements. Cand. mag. Annelise Hartmann, librarian at the Botanical Library in Copenhagen has been most helpful in pro- viding originals or copies of papers or books. I wish to thank her most sincerely. I also got much help from the staff at the Faroese state library. Bodil Jóhansen has meticulously written the list after the original titles, a great and often đifficult task. Hilda Bernhardson typed the manuscript. Marianna Debes Dahl has also assisted in the work. I have got help and information from several other persons, both within the Faroes and abroad. I wish to render my sincere thanks to them all. Errors and omissions which no doubt oc- cur will be corrected in a future supplement. I would be glad to receive corrections and supplementary information. FYRSTI PARTUR (Part I) Høvundarnir í bókstavarøð og ritgerðir teirra (The authors in alphabetical order and their publications) A Ahlback, Arnold, 1974: Skogsodling pá Fároarna. — Skogsbruket 44, 7-8: 165-167, 4 md. Helsingfors. Ahlbáck, Arnold, 1974: Skogsodling pá Fároarna. — I: Nordens skogliga utposter i vást. Skogságaren 5: 23-25, 7 md. Stockholm. Anonymous, Sí: Høvundurin ónevndur. B Barlholini, Thomas, 1672: Rara Naturæ in Insulis Ferro- ensibus. — Acta medica et Philosophia Hafniensia 1: 86-102, 1 md. Hafniae. Bay, Jens Christian, 1890: Tillæg til »Den danske botaniske Literatur fra đe ældste Tider til 1880, sammenstillet af Eug. Warming« I. — Bot. Tids. 17: 315-329. Kjøbenhavn. Bay, Jens Christian, 1892: Tillæg til »Den danske botaniske Literatur fra de ældste Tider til 1880, sammensatte af Eug. Warming« II. — Bot. Tids. 18: 95-103. Kjøbenhavn. Bech, C. J., M. W. Liitzen & E. Húsgarð (ritstjórar), 1924-27: Búnaðartíðindi, ið hevur upptikið »Samyrki«. Tórshavn. Bennett, Arthur, 1896: Iceland and Faroe botany. — Journ. Bot. 34: 353-354. London. Bergh, L., 1905: Næringsveje. IV. Træplantning. V. Landbrug og Havebrug. — De danske Atlanterhavsøer II: 271-292, 9 md. Kjøbenhavn. Bille-Hansen, E.. M. Lange og K. Larsen. 1954: General- register til Botanisk Tidsskrift bd. 26-50, 1904-54. — Bot. Tids. 50: 333-424 + 4 bls. København. Birley, Caroline & L. Copland, 1891: Notes on the flora of the Færoes. —Journ. Bot. 29: 179-183. London. Bjørk, E. A., 1972: Børkuvísa (Potentilla erecta). — Fróðskaparrit 20: 99-128. Tórshavn. Bloch, Dorete, 1979-80: Færøernes flora. Kambregne, Blechnum spicant (L.). Roth. Bjærg-Ulvefod, Lyco- podium alpinum L. — Nat. Verden 2: 51, 2 md. — Mos-Dværgulvefod, Selaginella selaginoides (L.) Link. Tusindfryd, Bellis perennis L. — Nat. Verden 3: 119, 2 md. — Revling, Empetrum hermaphroditum
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