Alþingisbókin - 01.01.1697, Page 1

Alþingisbókin - 01.01.1697, Page 1
 g(SUg?í©3© ^í»BönE;c t'nnc ab frtííba pab ffm giotfctft og (itnmmpoot )maú 5öe6anfctJ ca aimefiete§u Sb^ax wpwQtl Qíftyi& l&97* JtenftiS \ @^t£S?OÍÍSð/ Ííb 3cone€nctwfpne/ 3i3?2?D 1697. 3 9?apne (ictrrar ^tíegu ©tibícomfíné prtrtingar. ntJi'ftD 1697* jt5alj 29* 3u«íj+ TQoxu þeflfcr CD7ín nc^r.bcr jilflii $Oe6*ti6a Qíimeneíeðu 2íuprcar ^iþlnge/ 2íp £>r* lögmtsulcnum ÍÖ^öi ne^nc 0«iiaii 09 2(uj?«n ea ^elctifcc* 9Sr 0)lWía pijnae* 3n<^ur ^ouefon/ 2* ^irefur fÖtcaröiion/neftTíur j 0faö SSergs 0af+ (ginotofonar/ cabur fuarcn* £íjj!e ©irefefcti Dfcrtu pctnr Sjmunbej'ct! ffor^cHU ólapur 2íní>rc$fon4 (gircfur fÖiornfífcn Cfcmnert • Q3r 0Eof<QpeIfó pijtige. 3» ÍP?ct9nue 3jl<ipöfött/ 4* P«»U SSiarnoíon/ 5,- ©iguffcur <£inðr&fo«/ 6* föiarn í£f)orlcif6fon4 pcoíí 3^<fe QítnunOofcn 3?cpnðurj 0fob éufa tttunöör 0cait £>oct>orfonor fom* Cftorifr# 3ott0rcf6fon ^orpollabur^ 23r XaittQm Þijnge. 7+ ®|j)'Ie ®u&íttunö$fon/ 8* 3oon£ýtfígnt6fer/o* f^igtnh r 9}fo9ttu6 ftorfefon/ 0fcp|ait3on6fon/ ©ufcmubur <£inarfcr. ftcfcu* Ci6-» uröurfWoðnubfon/pcfur ^onefon Dfomm 2Jr %am{& piin^e. »?♦ $on ©fjjlofott/ II4 3Jia«öc S3í|^w6fon/ 124 gtöfoc 2frbðfcn4 jpfð*



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