Lögberg-Heimskringla - 12.05.1978, Blaðsíða 3

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 12.05.1978, Blaðsíða 3
Lögberg-Heimskringla, föstudagur 12 maí 1978 3 just the same, these third and fourth generation Ice- landers are justly proud of the stock from which t-hey have grown. And, rightly so. In the role of parent, grand - parent, f r i e n d or neighbour . . . Gunnar and Malla Einarson have won the hearts of many, with a kind of warmth and affec- tion that is representative of their heritage. A kind word . . . a cheery smile . . . an encouraging pat on the back . . . those were the charac- ter traits that place Gunnar and Malla upon a pedestal, in the eyes of people from every walk of life. On May 1, this year, Gun- nar and Malla celebrated the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary. An afternoon tea was held at Hnausa Community Hall, on Sunday, April 30, from 2.00 until 4.00 p.m. The joy of an old friend’s presence was the gift that meant more to these grand old folks than anything else. ‘Love of the old land . . . service to the new’. That is the motto they lived by, and passed on through the gen- erations. Something that I, along with all their grand- children will always remem- ber. —Rod Palson. vvuvmwwwvwwwvuvv The first Icelandic set- tlers on H e c 1 a Island (then Big Island or Mik- ley) arrived in the sum- mer of 1876. Among them were Jon Bjarnason and his wife Halldora Gud- mundsdottir. According to íamily tradition, it was two hours after their ar- rival on the island that Halldora gave birth to a son, Gudmundur Jonsson. 1978-1979 Fellowships and Grants Awarded Thor Thors, Special Contributions Snorri Agnarsson — Graduate studies in computer science, with emphasis on data bases. (B.S. candidate, Ma- thematics, University of Iceland.) Vilhjalmur Arnason — Graduate studies in philosophy, specializing in ethics. (B.A. candidate, Philosophy, Univer- sity of Iceland.) Gudni Axelsson — Graduate studies in geophysics, par- ticularly the physics of geothermal systems. (B.S. candidate, Physics, University of Iceland.) Ami Einarsson — Graduate studies and research in biology, with emphasis on territorialism and breeding biology of the duck. (Graduate studies, Institute of Biology, University of Iceland.) Snæbjorn Fridriksson — Graduate studies in general rela- tivity: cosmology and/or quantum mechanics. (Teacher, Math and Physics, Akureyri Gymnasium.) Olafur A. Gudmundsson — Graduate studies in elec- trical engineering. (B.S.E.E. candidate, State University of New York at Stony Brook.) Hrafn Gunnlaugsson — Curriculum program in the art of filmmaking, The American Film Institute, Beverley Hills, California. (Managing Director, Reykjavik Arts Fes- tival and Reykjavik Film Festival.) Johan G. Johansson — Undergraduate studies in music and physics, Brandeis University. (Studies toward B.A./B.S. degrees, Brandeis University.) Niels Karlsson — Graduate studies in theoretical phys- ics, concentrating in gravitational physics. (B.S., Physics, University of Iceland, 1977.) Sigridur Kristmundsdottir — Graduate studies in social anthropology, University of Rochester. (Studies toward Ph.D., University of Rochester.) Hjalmur H. Bagnarsson — Graduate studies in music composition, piano and conducting, Cornell University. (Studies toward Ph.D., Cornell University.) Hermann Sveinbjörnsson — Graduate studies in en- vironmental sciences, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. (M.Env.Sci. candidate, Miami University.) Icelandic content---------------------- Summary In this week’s editorial, readers are informed that the Icelandic content summary, which was introduced to the paper last summer and earned a certain amount of positive response from the readers, will be re-intro- duced, starting with this issue. Although no further comments will be made at this time concerning the proper ratio of English to Icelandic in the paper, it is believed that, by returning the summary, the require- ments of the subscribers will be better met. It is noted that Lögberg-Heimskringla is being used more and more as a teaching aid in Icelandic language classes. While the paper can never replace approved text books, we hope that students will continue to find it a useful aid in learning the Icelandic language. The film “They Shouldn’t Call Iceland Iceland” was shown in Arborg on Friday, May 5. More than 100 persons attended the filmshowing, details of which are given in our front page story. A group of talented youngsters entertained with a selection of Icelandic poems and songs. A special Icelandic committee was founded in Septem- ber, 1976, with the purpose of strengthening ties be- tween Iceland and Western Icelandic peoples. The com- mittee recently presented a report to Icelands’ foreign minister, in which members indicated their concern for the support of Lögberg-Heimskringla. A list of those granted funds by the committee appears on page 4! of this week’s paper. Committee members are Heim- ir Hannesson, Arni Bjarnarson and Rev. Bragi Frid- riksson. Readers may have noticed that there is more English than usual in this week’s issue of the paper. Depend- ing on reader response, this could mean an increase in - the use of English in future issues as well. The Icelandic Ambassador to the United States, His Excellency Hans G. Andersen, the Icelandic Ambassador to the United Nations, His Excellency Tomas Tomasson, and ASF President David A. Swickard m— GENGISSKRÁNING NR. 71 - 21. aprfl 1978. Eining Kl. 12.00 Kaup Sala 1 Bandarfkjadðllar 255.20 255.80* 1 Sterlingspnnd 466.10 467210* 1 Kanadadoilar 223.00 223.60* 100 Ilanskar krónur 4489.00 4499.60* 100 Norskar krónur - 4708.00 4719.10* 100 Sænskar krónur 5498.20 5511.10» 100 Finnsk mörk 6043.10 6057.30* 100 Franskir frankar 5500.60 5513.50* 100 Belg. frankar 790.90 792.80* 100 Svissn. frankar 13.023.75 13.054J5* 100 Gyllini 11.526.65 11.553.75* 100 V.-Þ^xk mörk 12.307.70 12.336.60* 100 Lírur 29.41 29.48* 100 Austurr. Sch. 1708.20 1712.20* 100 Escudoa 606.20 607.60* 100 Peœtar 316.10 316X0* ( 100 Yen 113.12 113.39* ÆTTARMÓT Á ÍSLANDI 1980? Afkomendur Jónasar Jónssonar, fyrr- um bónda í Hróarsdal i Hegranesi við Sauðárkrók hafa i hyggju að efna til ættarmóts árið 1980, en það ár verða liðin 140 ár frá fæðingu Jónasar. Afkomendur hans eru margir, og eru þeir bæði á Islandi og eins í Vestur- heimi. Einn þeirra, sem býr hér vestan- hafs er Snorri Jónasson í Winnipeg. Jónas var afi hans. Snorri hefur nú fengið bréf frá Þórarni föðurbróður sín- um, þar sem hann biður um upplýsing- ar, og er bréfið birt hér í heild. Snorri biður alla þá, sem áhuga hafa að setja sig i samband við sig, og enn- fremur hefur hann beðið blaðið að geta þess, að í öðru bréfi, sem hann hefur fengið frá Islandi er getið um Málfríði föðursystur Snorra, og afkomendur hennar. Snorri veit ekkert um þá, og væri honum akkur í því að fá upplýsing ar þar að lútandi. Heimilisfang Snorra Jonassonar er: 1051 Moncton Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2K 1Y9. já Aðdragandi þess að ég skrifa þér þetta bréf er, að ýmsir hafa vakið máls á þvi við mig hvort möguleiki væri á því að efna til samkomu fyrir afkomendur föð- ur míns Jónasar Jónssonar fyrrum bónda Hróarsdal, Mér líst þetta góð hugmynd og sting upp á að þetta yrði reynt sumarið 1980, en á því ári eru 140 ár liðin frá fæðingu hans. En þar sem afkomendur eru orðn- ir margir og dreifðir bæði hér heima og i Ameríku er nauðsynlegt að kanna sem fyrst hvort þeir hugsa til þátttöku. En gert er ráð fyrir yngri sem eldri afkom- endum og mökum þeirra. Þetta mót er hugsað um eina helgi í júlí eða ágúst og yrði að forfallalausu í Hróarsdal eða að minnsta kosti í Hegranesi. Nú langar mig að biðja þig að kanna meðal afkomenda þinna hvort áhugi er fyrir nefndu ættarmóti, því að einungis verður efnt til undirbúnings að þátttaka verði allgóð. Bið ég þig að senda mér svar fyrir 1. júlí 1978. — Nánari upplýsingar verða sendar síðar ef til kemur. Með innilegri kveðju og bestu óskúm, Þórarinn Jónsson, Hróarsdal, Hegranesi, 551 Sauðárkrókur. Islandi. i



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