Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.01.1980, Síða 8

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.01.1980, Síða 8
Subscribers in: CANADA, ICELAND, U.S.A. and more than 20 other countries in EUROPE, AFRICA and ASIA Högberg-^eimsfennffla ’'323 13SS lcelandic weckly 138S Föstudagur 25. janúar, 1980 AFGREIÐSLA A ÍSLANDI: Birna Magnúsdóttir, Dúfnahóium 4, Reykjavík, Sími (91) 74153 Arni Bjarnarson, Norðurgötu 48, Akureyri, Sími (96) 23852 Robert Sheffield and Carol Westdal NEW STARS ON THE HORIZON The Jon Sigurdson Chapter of the IODE, presented a joint recital January 2nd, at 8 p.m., in the First Lutheran Church, Victor St. The artists were Carol Westdal, soprano, daughter of Dee Dee and Harold Westdal of Win- nipeg, and Robert Sheffield, clarinetist, graduate of the University of British Columbia. Carol is in her fourth and final year at the same university, majoring in voice performance. Robert is currently working on his Masters at the University of Cincinnati. In 1978, together with pianist Lisa Challans, they received a Canadian Government youth grant which has enabled them to do joint recitals. Many of you will remember Carol and her sister Laureen as little girls singing Icelandic songs in duets and solos at our Icelandic concerts and at the Manitoba Musical Festival — excelling in both. Laureen is now Mrs. Goodridge, residing in Vancouv.er. Carol has continued in her pursuit of music. As one who has watched her grow to adulthood, I am delighted with her progress in her chosen field — the voice, which has a quality that can lead to greatness. Her first songs, by Brah- ms, IMMER LEISER WIRD MEIN SCHLUMMER, (Ever gentle will be my slumber) was most sensitively sung and suited the haunting beauty of the voice, as did also DRAUMALANDID, that well beloved Icelandic song by Sigfus Einarsson. She was accompanied on the piano by Donald Askholm, organist of the church. Robert Sheffield delighted us with three major of- ferings; five BAGATELLES by FINZI, FLIGHT OF THE BUMBLEBEE by RIMSKI- KORSAKOV, and IN- TRODUCTION, THEME AND VARIATIONS by ROSSINI. Carol provided piano ac- companiment with keen musicianship, proving her versatility in music. Robert displayed sensitivity of tone and great technique. After intermission, the three artists performed from the choir loft at the rear of the church. Here, Carol sang 0 LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM by Walford Davies, with Donald at the organ. The third verse was sung unaccompanied, in perfect pitch, and in so clear and beautiful a voice, that the song became the highlight of the evening. Yet another treat was in store — voice, clarinet and organ combined their artistry in SVANASONGUR A HEIDI, by Kaldalons. The arrangement by Robert Sheffield (with only a few days access to the music) was delightful. The clarinet sounded as if it were indeed a voice drifting across the heath, mystic in beauty it complimented Carol’s nostalgic singing. Back on stage, the artists completed their program with the third clarinet solo, and Schubert’s SHEPHERD ON THE ROCK, which was written for voice with clarinet obligatio. Shepherd on the Rock was most likely the last work written by Schubert just before his death in 1828. It is a song of some magnitude with wide range for the soprano, lyric in character demanding coloratura agility in the last movement. The clarinet obligato is haunting and pastoral. Written by two poets, Wilhelm Muller and Whilhelmina von Chezi, the poem is a romantic verse in praise of spring. Donald Askholm gave fine support at the piano to an admirable performance. Members of the Jon Sigurdson Chapter served coffee and Icelandic dainties after the concert, enabling us to greet the artists and to chat to our hearts content as Icelanders love to do whenever they meet. I am certain I speak for all who ventured out on that cold night (while still in post- New Year celebration recovery) that it was worth it. May those who missed hearing these talented NEW STARS, fill the rafters next time (hopefully) they per- form in our city. ELMA GISLASON ÆTTINGJA LEITAÐ Sigriður Lárusdóttir, Kleppsvegi 30, Reykjavík leitar að systur sinni Láxu Lárusdóttur frá Eskifirði fæddri 2. maí 1896, er fór til Vesturheims með móður sinni Guðrúnu Eyjólfsdóttur ásamt eiginmanni Guðrúnar, Friðrik Þorsteinssyni frá Höfðahusum. lvleð Láru fóru hálfsystkini hennar elstur: Steinþór f. 30. apríl 1898; Bergþór f. 28. ágúst 1899; Eyjólfur Ágúst f. 25. ágúst 1901; Karólína María f. 16. apríl 1903 og Sólveig f. 26. júní 1906. Sigríður hefur eldheitan áhuga á að ná sambandi við einhverja er gætu gefið upplýsingar um systur henn ar. Ennfremur leitar hún að börnum Páls Pálssonar frá Siglufirði af Dalabæjarætt er fóru til Ameríku 1892 með móður sinni Sólveigu Ingibjörgu Jónsdóttur f. 18. október 1854 frá Reykjum í Kvíabrekkusókn í Ólafs- firði, elst: Kristín Anna Elín f. 25. desember 1879; Páll f. 8. mars 1884; Jón Maron f. 7. október 1886 og Þorvaldur f. 4. mars 1890. Ef einhver lesandi Lögbergs-Heimskringlu þekkir til þessa fólks þá vinsamlega skrifið til Sigríðar Lárus- dóttur, Kleppsvegi 30, Reykjavik eða til Helga Vigfús- sonar Bólstaðarhhð 50, Reykjavik. HVERJIR ERU ÞEIR? I gegnum árin hefur Lögberg-Heimskringla af og til birt gamlar myndir af fólki, sem ekki er vitað hvert er eða hvaðan kom. Nelson Gerrard í Árborg hefur undir höndum fáeinar slíkar myndir og sendi fyrir skömmu nokkrar til blaðsins og birtist sú fyrsta þeirra í blaðinu í dag. Lesendur eru beðnir að spreita sig á að bera kennsl á þessa menn og senda okkur nöfn þeirra, sem þá munu birtast í blaðinu. Mun Nelson síðan sjá um að myndirnar komist í vörslu bókasafns Manitoba- háskóla. Um þessa mynd er ekkert vitað annað en að hún kemur frá Arborg.



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