Lögberg-Heimskringla - 26.07.1991, Síða 23

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 26.07.1991, Síða 23
Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstúdagút; 26, jglL 1*991 • 23 FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORIUM W'innipeg's original Bardal Funeral Home since 1894. 843 Sherbrook Street in Winnipeg Telephone 774-7474 Bestu Kve&jur á íslendingadaginn The Family of Helga and the late Johann Straumfjord Sigurdson of Lundar Linda r%. Neil r+- David 'a. Deidre '"*• Sandra Ted n*- T.J. Elizabeth Kristjan Johann r+- Joanne ^ Lorenz Lögberg-Heimskringla has moved its headquartersfrom the Strathmillan School in the West end of Winnipeg, to 699Carter Avenue just off Pembina Highway. This new location has many advantages. Not only is it more accessible, it is larger, brighter and more convenient. floor to Lögberg-Heimskringla and the By Hulda Karen Daníelsdóttir A few months ago, Ray and Barbara Gislason, who own Keystone Graphics which does the layout for Lögberg- Heimskringla, bought the house at 699 Carter. They had the two-storey house renovated, moved their own operation into its basement, and rented the main upper floor to the editor. This arrangement is ideal. As soon as articles have been edited, they are taken downstairs to the typesetter. Then they are proofread, pasted up and the pages are ready to be shipped off to the printer. Having the operation all in one house saves much time which can be put to Gunnvör Asmundsson and Þordis Lilja Jensdóttir look at ads for the Festival issue. good use. Before, the editor, who is also the office manager, had to drive for almost an hour just to get to work; to Keystone Graphics with edited copy to be typeset; to the opposite end of the city to pick up paste-ups and issues fresh off the press, and so forth and so on. Not only does this new arrangement make life easier for all those involved with the actual production of the paper, it also has the potential of involving the subscribers even more. Since our office is at such a convenient location, just south of Corydon and Osbome, the subscribers may be more inclined to deliver articles for publication in per- son, and to enjoy a cup of coffee with our editor. Last week the office was the scene of a lot of hustle and bustle, with people coming and going. One of our visitors, a native Icelander who has lived most of his adult life in California, stayed for the whole day looking through old is- sues of L-H, drinking coffee and meet- ing people. On the main floor of the house on Carter, there are three bedrooms, a large living room and a dining room. L-H has rented one of the bedrooms to the Ice- landic National League for its office. In the future, other Icelandic organiza- tions may consider moving in or hold- ing meetings at this location. Mr. Gislason had the hardwood floors refinished; Bob Oleson, presi- dentofthe L-H Board, donated an area rug for one of the rooms; the old grimy coffee mugs have been thoroughly washed and slowly but surely, the place keeps looking even better. The office will be closed during most of the month of August, but our sub- scribers and friends are welcome to visit when we reopen. The editor, Hulda Karen Daníelsdóttir, hard at work. BARDAL>#fe We Understand Hátiöarkveðjur Arnason Funeral Service Ltd. SERVING INTERLAKE AREA Chapels at Lundar and Ashern 1st Avenue, N., Ashern Telephone: 768-2072 GREETINGS Kjartanson Kjartanson Kjartanson Nets & Twine Hauling Físh Producers AMARANTH — 843-2357 Specialiscing in Winter Road CSonstruction Road Construction Drainage Land Clearing Disking J.S. Sigfusson & Sons Ltd. P.O. Box 300, Lundar, Manitoba R0C 1Y0 (204) 762-5500 Brian: Res. 762-5770 David: Res. 762-5424 GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES TO ALL OUR FRIENDS Sigvaldason Agencies Ltd. General Insurance and Autopac 364 Main Street 467-2387 Stonewall, Manitoba _________467-5211 Best Wishes to all our Icelandic Friends “Lakesftore ” La Ronge Sales and Service Ltd. P.O. Box 628, La Ronge, Saskatchewan, SOJ 1L0 Towing and Complete Car Care Tackle Shop - Groceries and Confectionery (306) 425-2155 SPRUCE WOODS INN We have 13 Motel Units, Coffee Shop, Beverage Room with Vendor plus fully licensed Dining Room Daily Restaurant Hours: 7:30 a.m. -11 p.m. • Sat.: 9 a.m. -11 p.m. Sun. Summef Hotirs: 10 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Smorgasbord every Sunday: 4 - 7:30 p.m. Maybelle & Charles Skanderberg • Henry & Cheryl Booy GLENBORO PHONE 827-2648 just 'lOOtnilesfromWpg./No.lllighway Cssoj U-HAUL | RENTALS WALLY & JUDY BERGSVEINSON



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