Heimskringla - 27.08.1930, Blaðsíða 2

Heimskringla - 27.08.1930, Blaðsíða 2
2. BLAÐSIÐA HEIMSKRINGLA WINNIPEG, 27. AGÚST, 1930 sn £ £ æ æ I ifí s g They all say they are satisfied! For Twenty Years the DOMINION BUSINESS COLLEGE has been preparing young people for worthy business careers. For Twenty Years the DOMINION BUSINESS COLLEGE has provided effective employment service for its students. For Twenty Years the DOMINION BUSINESS COLLEGE has set the standards of commercial edu- cation in Winnipeg. For Twenty Years the DOMINION BUSINESS COLLEGE has widened its circle of influence in the field of commercial education in Canada. and for Twcnty Years The DOMINION BUSINESS COLLEGE has in- creased its annual enrolment with unfailing regularity, for which happy condition we thank our many friends and pledge our word to do our utmost to deserve such confidence. Our students are satisfied with the individual instruct- ion and thorough training they receive. Their parents are satisfied with the progress of their children both in the College and after they secure employ- ment. The business men of Winnipeg do employ “Dominion grad- uates, and have done so for twenty years. They all say they are satisfied! As proof of this satlsfaction over eighty percent of our students are sent to us by business men and former stud- ents. With such overwhelming testimony to guide you Choose the “DOMINION” for your business education ENROLL Monday, August 25th Day and Evening Classes The Principal, Secretary and Advisors are in attendance daily giving advice as to courses of study. The College Office is open evenings from 7 to 9* - Dominion Business College —on the Mall Branches in Elmwood and St. James Our Policy of Individual Instruction Enables Stndents to Enroll at any timc i



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