Lögberg - 26.02.1947, Page 3

Lögberg - 26.02.1947, Page 3
LÖGBERG, FIMTUDAGINN 26. FEBRÚAR, 1947 Annual Report of The Jón Sigurdson Chapter, I.O.D.E., 1946 Madame Regent and Members: Permit me to submit the 31st ar*nual report of the Jon Sigurd- s°n Chapter, Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire. This report of the year’s work of our chapter is perhaps the east since the years of the Second Great War. The six years of tragic war called for tremendous activities owing to ae ?reat need of help and we °Pe the Jon Sigurdson Chapter may claim a modest amount of C1edit, in so far as doing its ut- ni°st throughout those years of 11 aRedv and heartbreak. The year f0iiowing cessation n hostilities was a year of joy- u' 1-e-unions — the return of nur brave boys from the many Ie us °f action, climaxed by our etcome Home Reception as sP°nsored by the Jon Sigurdson aPter with the help of the fcelandic Canadian Club. ThiS second year has been s° ered by discord and distrust atll°ng nations and by unrest and discontent in the world of abour. xhis aftermath, so natural after so devastating a a 'var, can be met only by a United effort for greater under- s anding, tolerance and sym- Pathy. To meet this unity of 01't abroad we must have Unity 111 our homeland. The Im- J3ei ial Order of the Daughters of e Enipire have built their post- Ptogram on this principle n Unity and it is our privilege 0 Uelp work well towards that end. i he outstanding and import- ant feature of the I.O.D.E. post- J1 ai program is its determination 0 gather a fund of $500,000 ^ ards the Second War Memo- la ’ ihus perpetuating the lneniory of Canada’s Heroes who jjave their lives or those who ave bpen permanently dis- f ed. This fund will provide Ursaries and post - graduate °iai'ships to their children. e Jon Sigurdson Chapter will not íail in its efforts to aid in . ls VVorthy and important pro- J°ct- To date we have contrib- 1 °d $250.00 and will add to this fni°unt as soon as is possible, r°m time to time. ,.^t 0Ul' thirtieth anniversary lnner last March, our retiring 'el?ent, Mrs. J. B. Skaptason, cas Presented, on behalf of our , aPter> with a Provincial mem- 'P har and certificate. The resentation was made by our p°°d friend Mrs. A. J. Hughes, ter^ent ot ttie Provincial Chap- Sk fhat same occasion, Mrs. aPtason was elected honorary he^ent °f our Chapter. She has a life membership for some 'ears' _A11 this in token of our ^Ppreciation of her fine leader- JU ciualities and her many infrS untirinK service in the eiest of the Jon Sigurdson apter> she hejng jj-s orjgjnal ^under. She has served as its at various times for ci V,enteen years. In the Provin toff' ^aPter she has held the an !ce °f Second Vice Regent and \ftS acted as film convener th \j-aVy Ueague convener. In h unicipal Chapter she has Re r °fflce of Second Vice venkent and has acted as con- ei °f Navy League, film and off ei Vlce Personnel. All these ti 1Ces have called for much e and effort, which Mrs P ason is noted for giving so Andei°USly and whole-heartedly. as tt n°w though she has retired tjn ead °f °ur Chapter, she con- any6^ to Sive her services to in activity needing assistance, a]v»Q e same ^pirit as she has Taj’s done. 1S' A. Isfeld, our War Service convener, was presented with a life membership pin in recognition and appreciation of faithful anl untiring service tn our Chapter’s war work throughout the war years. J When Mrs. Hughes retired as Provincial Regent we were pleased to ser.d our contribution towards the gift presented to her, with our sincerest expres- sions of good wishes for years of happiness in her well-earned rest. An honorary member of the Chapter, Mrs. Gudrun Jonsson, died last March. Iler death was a distinct loss to our community for she was the author of many short stories. A book of her writings has been published this year. Mrs. Jonsson assisted the Chapter in the publication of the Memorial Book published after the First Great War. The National Convention was held at Winnipeg last summer. Many of our members attended various sessions. Mrs. Benson was chosen as our represent- ative, but being unable to attend all the sessions, she persuaded Mrs. Hart to come to a meeting and give the report of the con- vention. This she did, in her usual pleasant way. Her report was detailed and comprehensive. We are indeed grateful to Mrs. Hart for the many times she has done this as our represent- ative at many conventions. Mrs. Skaptason was chosen as councillor at the last Provincial Convention and we know she will perform this duty to the best of her ability. Mrs. Henrickson attended as our delegate at the semi-annual meeting of the Provincial Chap- ter, and later gave a detailed report of the session. Guests at our meetings this year have been our good friends: Mrs. Colin H. Campbell, O.B.E., Mrs. Hart, Mrs. Penrose, Muni- cipal Regent, Mrs. Richardson, Municipal Organizing Secretary, Mrs. Quance, Regent of Little Brittain Chapter, together with Mrs. McLellan, Mrs. Hooker and Mrs. Blanchard. Representatives and contribu- tions have been sent to: Save the Children Fund—Mrs Gillies and Mrs. Thoi'pe, assist- ing at their tea. Scandinavian Children’s Relief -Mrs. Perry as our represent- ative. Tea for the Blind—Mrs. Berg- man. Lady Reading Fund. Red Cross Drive—Mrs. Perry. Annual Tag Day—Mi's. Skap- tason, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Hen- rickson, Mrs. Perry. Eight young ladies. Community Chest Drive Mrs. Benson, captain of the district. Musical Festival—Mrs. Dan- ielson and Mrs. McKeag. Y.M.C.A. Checking Rooms— Miss Vidal, Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs Benson and Mrs. Ingaldson. We are indebted to hosts of friends in making our telephone bridge and our teas so success- ful. Also to artists who have so freely given of their talents Permit me to name a few: Miss Agnes Sigurdson, Miss Margaret Helgason, Mrs. Lincoln John son, Mr. Kerr Wilson, Mr. Lup- ton, Miss Snjolaug Sigurdson the two choirs of the Icelandic churches, Miss Bernice Clark and her Symphony in Strings Added to these, President True man of the University of Mani toba, Major Norman Bergman Rev. Eylands, Rev. Philip Petur sson and Mr. Smith, who has so often shared his artistry in decorating suitably at our vari ous teas and concerts. To a these kind friends we express our gratitude. Three new members were we comed into our chapter: Mrs Baldwinson, Mrs. Geo. Johan- nesson and Mrs. S. Johnson. Three members have passed on: Mrs. Snidal, Mrs. Gisli Johnson and Mrs. Elinborg Hannson. Mrs. Gisli Johnson, a talented writer, a loving wife and mother, and a loyal friend, is mourned by her loved ones and hosts of admirers and friends. Mrs. Elinborg Hannson made a unique place for herself as a true Canadian citizen and a be- loved friend to many. Permit me to quote our tribute to her memory as given at our regular meeting in September: A Tríbute to the Memory of Mrs. FAinborg Hanson “One of our chapter members, Vlrs. Elinborg Hanson, died June 6th, 1946. She had been a J’aithful member, serving for 25 years as standard bearer for the Municipal Chapter and an equal number of years for the Jon Sigurdson Chapter. Her kind, straightforward manner, her diligence and un- ceasing service was an example to us all. Her continued presence at every meeting and her un- wavering loyalty to the Order, was at all times an inspiration to those who knew her best. “We express our gratitude to Rev. V. J. Eylands for his beatutiful message and tribute given to her memory at the i’uneral service in the First utheran Church, and attended oy a large number of those who truly mourned the passing of a ovable and staunch friend. He stressed the years of service as standard bearer, a truly high and noble service, not only to her leloved Canada or to her Chap- ter in the order, but as a person in the community and in the church she so loved. Representatives f r o m the Provincial and Municipal Chap- ters were deeply moved by Rev. Eyland’s address and by the whole service in the church of which she was a deeply respected member. So we say farewell to a dearly loved co-worker. We miss her from our activities and thank her for her glowing example of a modest, yet so useful member of our community. Long may her memory live in the thoughts and hearts of the members of the Jon Sigurd- son Chapter of The Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire.” Nine regular meetings and one executive meeting have been held, with an average of twenty members attending our regular meetings. Hostesses at these meetings have been: Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs. Bergman, Mrs. Hallgrimson, Mrs. Benson, Mrs. Henrickson, Mrs. Gillies, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Mash, Mrs. Thorsteinson, Mrs. Skaptason, Mrs. Perry, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Caine. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Mrs. J. S. Gillies, Treasurer Balance on hand, Jan., 1946 $ 401.28 Receipts from Jan. 194(f toJan. 1947 $1,436.02 Disbursements Jan. 1946 to Jan. 1947 $1,710.25 Balance on hand, Jan., 1947 $ 501.28 $200 has been sent to Second War Memorial. Disbursements have been for the regular outlay: Convention railway fares, delegates’ fees, officers’ tax, endowment fund, various bursaries and scholar- ships sponsored by the Order, our own music scholarship, Christmas and Easter cheer, gifts to the needy, welfare and hospital visits, and other dona- tions to worthy causes. Sources of revenue are had through teas, concerts, bridge, membership fees and gifts from friends and members. EMPIRE STUDY Conveners, Mrs. Stephensen and Mrs. Danielson. Our Empire Study program has proved varied and interest- ing. Radio addresses by Mr. Brockington and Mathew Hal- ten and our National president, Mrs. Ryland New, announcing the launching of the Second War Memorial. These were read by Mrs. Henrickson. Mrs. Colin H. Campbell, O.B.E., spoke at this same meet- ing on the launching of the First War Memorial in 1918, with special reference to the méeting held in Montreal when the momentous decision was made. Mrs. Henrickson read a story of early western explorations at another meeting and included therein the story of the first white woman, known to have come west in 1806. We found the story of Marie Lagimodiere fascinating. At our next meeting, Mrs Summers read the enthralling stoiy of the Selkirk Settlers in the Red River Valley. Later, Mrs. Danielson read two articles, one on Ottawa ant another about Vancouver. Mrs. Stephensen, on her re- turn from the west coast gave a delightful paper on her five months’ sojourn in California. Her descriptions of places of note were a joy to listen to. A month ago we had the pleasure of hearing a paper given by Mrs. G. L. Johann sson about her visit to Icelanc last summer. Her descriptions of colourful scenery, her ob- servations of people and places with reference to past history showed her appreciation anc understanding, all the more re markable, when we consider she traces her ancestry to Ireland. Business and Professional Cards EDUCATIONAL Miss Vala Jonasson, convener. Briefly summarized: Flag presented to G i m 1 School. Flag presented to the Gir Guides of Gimli. Miss Agnes Sigurdson’s re- cital. President Trueman’s lecture on Music. Memorial Service when Major Norman Bergman gave an in- spriring and beautiful tribute to those who made the supreme sacrifice in both wars. Donations have been made to the Second War Memorial, to work in India, to the Coronation Scholarship, to Elizabeth Wil son-Smith Scholarship, to Min nie Campbell Scholarship. Our own scholarship of $50 was won this year by Miss Thora Asgeir- son for the second time. WAR SERVICE This year has been one of ad- justment from direct war- service to post-war service work. Fifty-two pairs of socks left over from the war service were (Continued on Page 7) CHRISTM AS SPECIAL!! All photos taken on approval with no obligation — 4 Poses To Choose From — SpECIAL PRICES Phone or Write for Appointment univeesal siudios 292 KENNEDY ST. (Jusl North of Portage) — Phone 95 653 WEDDING AND BABY PHOTOS — OUR SPECIALTY H. J. STEFANSSON Life, Accident and Health Jnsurance Representing THE GREAT-WKST LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Winnipeg, Man. Phone 96)144 DR. A. V. JOHNSON DentUt 506 SOMERSET BUILDINO Telephone 97 93* Home Telephone Í02 398 Taislmi 95 326 HelmiUs 53 893 DR. K. J. AUSTMANN SérfrœBincrur í aucrna, ei/mo, nef og kverka sjúkdómum. 704 McARTHUB BUILDINQ Cor. Portago & Maln Stofutlml: 2.00 tll 5.00 e. h. nema á. laugardiigum. DR. ROBERT BLACK BérfrœOingur i auyna, eyrna, nef og hdlssfúkdómum. 416 MEDICAL ARTS BLDQ Graham and Kennedy 8t. Skrifstofustmi 93 851 Helmaslml 42 154 EYOLFSON’S DRUG PARK RIVER, N. DAK. Í8lcnzkur lyfaáH Fólk getur pantaC m«8ul o* annaO meö póstl. Fljót afyrölöeUi. A. S. B A R D A L 848 SHERBROOK STREET Selur Ukklstur og annast um ttt- farlr. AUur fltbúnaOur sA beetí. Ennfromur selur hann alLskonar mlnnlavarOa og- logsteina. Skrifstofu talslml 17 924 Helmllls talsirnl 29 444 Phone 97 291 Eve. 26 002 J. DAVIDSON Real Estate, Financial and Insurance ARGUE BROS. LIMITED Lombard Bldg., Winnipeg PCINCCJÍ MESSENGER SERVICE V10 flytjum klstur og töskur, hflsgögn úr srnierrl IbOOum, og hflsmunl af ötlu tœl 58 ALBERT ST. — WINNIPBQ Slml 25 888 C. A. Johnson, Mkt. TELEPHONE 94 958 H. J. PALMASON and Company Chartered Accountantt 1101 McARTHUR BUILDIHO Winnlpetr, Canada Phone 49 499 R&dlo Servtce SpecLaUste ELECTRONIC LABS. H. TH0RKMLS0N. JVo*. The most up-to-date Sound Equipment System. 130 OSBORNE ST.. WINNIPBO Q. F. Jon&Mon, Pree. ét Man. Dlr. Keystone Fisheries Limited 404 SOOTT BLOCK SÍMI 95 917 Whoiesale Distributors of FRBJ8H AND FROZBJN FI8H Manitoba Fisheries WINNIPBO, MAN T. Beroovitoh, framtev.stf. VersU. 1 heUdaðlu meO nýjan oc trosánn fMc. 309 OWEJNA 8TREET Bkrlfetedml II 315 Helnui 65 499 Dr. S. J. Jóhannesson 215 RUBY STREET (Beint suOur af Banningr) Talslml 30 877 ViOtalstlmi 3—5 eftir hldegrl DR. E. JOHNSON 304 EVELINE STREET Selkirk, Man. Office hrs. 2.30—6 p.m Phones: Offlce 26 — Res. 230 Orfice Photre 94 762 Res Photie 72 409 Dr. L. A. Sigurdson 526 MEDICAL ARTS BLDG. Offlce Hours: 4 p.m.—6 p.m. and by appotntment Drs. H. R. and H. W. TWEED Tanniceknar 406 TORONTO GEN. TRUST8 BUILDING Cor. Portage Ave. og Smith St. PHONE 96 952 WINNIPEO DR. J. A. HILLSMAN Burgeon 308 MEDICAL ART8 BLDO Phone 97 329 Dr. Charles R. Oke TannUxknir For Appointments Phone 94 999 Offlc. Hours 9—9 404 TORONTO OEN. TRUST8 BUILDINO 283 PORTAGE AVB. Winnlpeg, Man. SARGENT TAXI PHONE 34 556 For Quick Reliable Bervioc J. J. SWANSON & CO. LIMITED 308 AVENUB BLDO WPO. FasteÍKuasalar. Leigja hfls. Út- vega peningalft.n og eidsftbyrgfl. bifreiOaftbyreO, o. s. frv. PHONE 97 538 Andrews, Andrews, Thorvaldson and Eggertson Lögfrœóingar 209BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA BO Portage og Garry 8t. Slrnl 93 291 GUNDRY PYMORE Limited BrUieh QuaUtg Fish Hetting •« VICTORIA 8T., WINNIPBO Phone 99111 líanager T. R. THORVALDBOM Your patronage wlll be appreclatei CANADIAN FISH PRODUCERS, LTD. J. H. PAQK. Managing Director Wholesale Dtatributore ot Fresh and Frozen FTsh 911 CHAMBERS 8TRJBJ9T Offlc Ph. 2« »2* Ree. Ph. T9 91» H HAGB0 RG FUEL CO. H Dlal 21 331 (C.F.L. No. 11) 21 331



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